I would just like to start this by saying that i LOOOOOVVVVEEE my Asa...he's just so wonderful.....and good at what he does...
How good you ask?WEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL....
Asa got a promotion at work Today! So, instead of working part-time at the property in Nacogdoches, he is working full-time at the properties in Nacogdoches and Lufkin! That means we get a new apartment! We are both so happy and excited because there are quite a few good things that come with it...
A. We will have to buy Asa a new truck. The Isuzu Rodeo we have is pretty unreliable and gets terrible gas mileage. Even though he gets paid a whole heck of a lot for his gas to get there (like 58 cents per mile, which ends up being $29 a day, which ends up being $145 a week for driving to Lufkin...), driving 40 miles everyday there and back won't be good for it. So, we need to buy him a dependable and good truck (like a tundra...*wink wink*). He couldn't be happier about that part of it.
B. We have to wait 90 days for his "trial period."(Lame) Then, he gets an apartment, health insurance, salary pay, dental insurance, and life insurance! (what about vision?...) Yay! The whole reason we haven't gotten married yet is because I can still be on my mom's insurance since I am in school. (too bad SFA's insurance is wayyyy better...) Now, it can all work out for us.!!!! (Woot!!!!)
C......Asa will be even sexier...
- I just want you to note that I wrote this blog and it sounded pretty normal. Then, I asked Asa to submit it for me and this is what it turned into. You can probably tell which parts are from him...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We put Marley's first fish tank in her room last weekend. So, we went to Wal-Mart and got three little Goldfish and a Pleco to go in it. We also had to buy a little black stand to put it. I am not really worried about it falling over on her or anything, since I couldn't even move it. The water looks a little cloudy, but it has cleared up now. It was just all the dirt from the gravel getting stirred up.
I asked her what she wanted to name them and she chose Baba, Ahoo, Zadaza. Those are excellent names if you ask me... I just have to keep up with which one is which now. I think I have already forgotten.

Number Two
Marley's second tooth is making it's appearance. The first one is about half way out and looks like a real tooth now. You can actually see it when she smiles, too. It seemed like when she was in pain with that tooth, she never wanted to eat. So, I had a hurting baby and a hungry baby. With this tooth, she wants to nurse all the time. Like every hour and a half. Which isn't really a hassle, it just took me a while to figure out what she was wanting since I wasn't used to it. That also means I don't really have time to give her any solids. Oh well.
She has been waking up a lot at night lately. I guess it is probably her teeth most of the time. But sometimes, she wakes up in a good mood, ready to play. But it's 4 in the morning. So, I have to actually wake up completely to put her back to sleep, then I can't go back to sleep for a while. Are we going back to newborn sleeping?

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Playing Lactation Consultant
Today, my friend Marina came home the hospital with her new little boy, William. She lives here at Windhill, and I have been talking to her all through her pregnancy about what is to come. She and I are just about the same on the shyness scale, so we haven't gotten really close yet. I didn't know that she had had William until this afternoon when her husband, Bobby, came into the office and told Carrie and I. So, I called the flower shop and had some flowers sent over. When Marina got them, she called and thanked me. I asked how everything was going and she said that she was having some problems with nursing and had been giving him formula because it just wasn't working. I asked if she wanted me to come help her, and she said yes! So, I grabbed my Boppy and breastfeeding books and went over! I was so excited to actually get to show someone something that I am so passionate about!
William was 6 pounds, 8 ounces when he was born. When I held him, it was so amazing to think that Marley was that small. She got down to 6 pounds, 4 ounces after we left the hospital. He was so tiny. I can't even remember Marley being that small. It felt like nothing to hold him after carrying her all day. I just wanted to tell them over and over again how fast it was going to go and how much he was going to change in just a short time. I told them to take tons of pictures, even if they think it's too many. They won't think so later. Marley is so much fun these days, but little William was so precious and helpless. Anyway, back to playing lactation consultant.
So, Bobby and Asa had man-time on the porch with the dogs while I helped Marina with feeding William. I felt so important and useful. She was having problems with how to hold him and making sure he was sucking correctly. I told her all about what was to come and about how it was just going to hurt for a while, until her nipples got used to being used. And I told her that it was just going to feel like he was eating all the freaking time for a while. But, he needs to and she needs him to. And it will be wonderful. And there is no need for her to give him formula if he is breastfeeding successfully (for some reason someone, not a doctor, told her that she had to give him formula so that he would gain weight faster).
I gave her the books and the Boppy and my number and told her to call me anytime. She probably won't, because I would feel weird about that I were her too. But I will go check on her tomorrow and see how they are doing. I really hope that my advice and experience will help her. After all, this is what I want to do, help mommies and babies.
William was 6 pounds, 8 ounces when he was born. When I held him, it was so amazing to think that Marley was that small. She got down to 6 pounds, 4 ounces after we left the hospital. He was so tiny. I can't even remember Marley being that small. It felt like nothing to hold him after carrying her all day. I just wanted to tell them over and over again how fast it was going to go and how much he was going to change in just a short time. I told them to take tons of pictures, even if they think it's too many. They won't think so later. Marley is so much fun these days, but little William was so precious and helpless. Anyway, back to playing lactation consultant.
So, Bobby and Asa had man-time on the porch with the dogs while I helped Marina with feeding William. I felt so important and useful. She was having problems with how to hold him and making sure he was sucking correctly. I told her all about what was to come and about how it was just going to hurt for a while, until her nipples got used to being used. And I told her that it was just going to feel like he was eating all the freaking time for a while. But, he needs to and she needs him to. And it will be wonderful. And there is no need for her to give him formula if he is breastfeeding successfully (for some reason someone, not a doctor, told her that she had to give him formula so that he would gain weight faster).
I gave her the books and the Boppy and my number and told her to call me anytime. She probably won't, because I would feel weird about that I were her too. But I will go check on her tomorrow and see how they are doing. I really hope that my advice and experience will help her. After all, this is what I want to do, help mommies and babies.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Marley has gotten so mobile lately. She can't crawl yet, but she is always moving. When I sit her down on the floor, she is trying to go for all the toys that are out of reach. When I have her in my lap, she is trying to stand and crawl over my shoulders. It is so tiring to hold her now!
She has learned a new little trick. When I put my hands out in front of her, I say, "Give me you hands" and she does it! She puts one hand in each of mine. Once she does that I either pick her up or let them go. If I wait long enough, she tries to stand up using my hands as support.
She can stand up against the couch holding on to the side of it for a little while. She usually falls when she is trying to get to something else. But yesterday, she actually took a step to the side while holding on to the couch trying to get the remote!
I am so excited about how strong she is getting, but I really want her to crawl first. She still gets pretty pissed if she gets on her stomach because she can't do anything once she gets there except roll around. If she could get herself back into sitting position, she might be a little happier. But every time she gets on her stomach now, I have to go pick her back up. I know she is close to crawling because she is reaching for everything and ending up on her hands and knees, but then she just falls. She can almost crawl backwards. She gets up on her hands and scoots backwards. I have been trying to get it on video, but it's very short lived. So, by the time I turn it on, she's already done.
She also loves being outside more than ever. We have been taking her on a walk every night after her bath. She gets really relaxed and watches all the trees and flowers as we pass them. It's amazing to see her look at them and wonder about them. Yesterday, we were sitting outside under a tree after work. She was leaning against my chest, just staring at the tree above us. She sat there for a few minutes, just watching the tree blow in the wind, like it was the neatest thing in the world. She talked to it a little bit and kept looking back at me like: Can you see that? Isn't it cool?
Why don't babies ever slow down and enjoy a stage before moving on? I need a chance to catch up! She is so amazing and smart and innocent. What happened to my little newborn who couldn't hold her head up? I miss her, but I love this girl too. We have so many more exciting things to encounter together and learn about. Soon, she will be taking us on walks and telling us what to do. I can't wait... but at the same time, I can.
She has learned a new little trick. When I put my hands out in front of her, I say, "Give me you hands" and she does it! She puts one hand in each of mine. Once she does that I either pick her up or let them go. If I wait long enough, she tries to stand up using my hands as support.
She can stand up against the couch holding on to the side of it for a little while. She usually falls when she is trying to get to something else. But yesterday, she actually took a step to the side while holding on to the couch trying to get the remote!
I am so excited about how strong she is getting, but I really want her to crawl first. She still gets pretty pissed if she gets on her stomach because she can't do anything once she gets there except roll around. If she could get herself back into sitting position, she might be a little happier. But every time she gets on her stomach now, I have to go pick her back up. I know she is close to crawling because she is reaching for everything and ending up on her hands and knees, but then she just falls. She can almost crawl backwards. She gets up on her hands and scoots backwards. I have been trying to get it on video, but it's very short lived. So, by the time I turn it on, she's already done.
She also loves being outside more than ever. We have been taking her on a walk every night after her bath. She gets really relaxed and watches all the trees and flowers as we pass them. It's amazing to see her look at them and wonder about them. Yesterday, we were sitting outside under a tree after work. She was leaning against my chest, just staring at the tree above us. She sat there for a few minutes, just watching the tree blow in the wind, like it was the neatest thing in the world. She talked to it a little bit and kept looking back at me like: Can you see that? Isn't it cool?
Why don't babies ever slow down and enjoy a stage before moving on? I need a chance to catch up! She is so amazing and smart and innocent. What happened to my little newborn who couldn't hold her head up? I miss her, but I love this girl too. We have so many more exciting things to encounter together and learn about. Soon, she will be taking us on walks and telling us what to do. I can't wait... but at the same time, I can.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We got Marley a new bathtub this weekend in Lufkin. We had been looking at our Wal-Mart for a month, but they never had them in stock. So, when I was in Lufkin at the zoo last weekend we stopped at Target for a few things. It's so much easier and safer than giving her a bath in the infant tub she had. And she loves it too! It gives her enough freedom to be able to play around with her toys and splash water all over me, but enough support to where it would be really hard for her to fall over in it. The only problem I have run into so far is that she really wants to bite the sides of it. I keep telling her no, but she keeps trying. And some of the time when she puts her face down to bite it, she gets a mouthful of water. But she loves it anyway. It makes bath time so much more fun! Along with her new 100% natural baby wash, we are lovin' baths now.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Play Dates

They are going to be such a cute couple!
Baby-proofing Mission
We did some major cleaning and baby-proofing this weekend. I started in Marley's room because I figured it would be the easiest. Since she doesn't sleep in her crib, the room was really only being used for changing diapers, getting dressed, and rocking her to sleep. Her crib is filled with our clean clothes that I don't feel like putting away and her floor is covered in other random things that don't have a place. Literally, we could not have played on the floor together in there.
So, I started by moving the glider to our room since that is where she sleeps anyway. It has been really inconvenient to have it in her room and then have to open that door and walk to our room while trying to keep her asleep. Then, I attacked the laundry and put most of it away and clean up the dirty clothes off the ground. I put everything away where it was supposed to go and cleaned up the bookshelves. Now that it is finished, there is a huge amount of play space in there. We have set up all of her toys and that has become the new hang out room. We even went and bought a little book shelf and put a fish tank on it for her. So far, she loves it. I can stand her up next to the fish tank and she will try to touch the fish through the glass.
Next was the living room. We rearranged a few things so that the outlets were blocked by furniture. We got rid of a few things and returned some things to Wal-Mart that had been sitting in the floor for months. Our apartment looks so clean! I hope it can stay this way for at least a day. Asa doesn't know it yet, but he is going to be shampooing the carpet this afternoon while Marley and I are at work. Then, it will be perfect.
I know Marley is going to be crawling any day now. She is getting closer and closer everyday. So, we are almost ready for it. The hard part will be reminding Asa that he can't just put things wherever he wants now. No more tools and nails on the ground...
So, I started by moving the glider to our room since that is where she sleeps anyway. It has been really inconvenient to have it in her room and then have to open that door and walk to our room while trying to keep her asleep. Then, I attacked the laundry and put most of it away and clean up the dirty clothes off the ground. I put everything away where it was supposed to go and cleaned up the bookshelves. Now that it is finished, there is a huge amount of play space in there. We have set up all of her toys and that has become the new hang out room. We even went and bought a little book shelf and put a fish tank on it for her. So far, she loves it. I can stand her up next to the fish tank and she will try to touch the fish through the glass.
Next was the living room. We rearranged a few things so that the outlets were blocked by furniture. We got rid of a few things and returned some things to Wal-Mart that had been sitting in the floor for months. Our apartment looks so clean! I hope it can stay this way for at least a day. Asa doesn't know it yet, but he is going to be shampooing the carpet this afternoon while Marley and I are at work. Then, it will be perfect.
I know Marley is going to be crawling any day now. She is getting closer and closer everyday. So, we are almost ready for it. The hard part will be reminding Asa that he can't just put things wherever he wants now. No more tools and nails on the ground...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Amy Comes to Visit

My good friend from high school, Amy, came to see us yesterday! She was in town for Spring Break from UT. Unfortunately, Marley is still teething and fussy and was in a really bad mood. She had just woken up from a nap and just been fed, so I had no idea what was wrong with her. Amy and I took her on a walk after a little while and she passed out in the stroller. I had a big debate with myself about whether I should just keep walking around with her in the stroller or if I should take a chance and try to put her in the bed. I chose the bed option, and thank goodness it worked. That girl needed a nap.
After her nap, we tried to play with her on the floor for a while. She would literally be crying one second and smiling the next. It wore me out trying to think of how to put her in a good mood. Luckily, Amy understood that babies are bipolar and was glad to be there anyway!
Thanks, Amy!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pull Ups

Well, I was wrong. About 5 minutes later pulled her little self up on her knees on the side of the play yard! This morning I caught her all the way up on her feet in her crib while I was folding laundry! I was amazed! It seems like things are changing so fast right now. I don't even have a chance to get used to one thing before she is moving on to the next thing! And I didn't even know she was strong enough to do this! I was amazed. I will try not to doubt her next time.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Zoo
Today was Marley's first trip to the zoo. Asa and I have been really wanting to take her to the zoo because we want her to love animals. she is getting a great start with her love for Kima, but I want her to love all of them. I don't really have a great reason why I want her to love animals so much except that Asa and I love them so much. However, the Lufkin Zoo is nowhere near the coolest zoo in the world. It takes about an hour to get through and not all of the exhibits have something in them. But, it's a good start. We went with David and his son Eli, our neighbors. She slept the whole way there, thank goodness. (On a side note, I would just like to say that her new car seat knocks her out every single time we get her in it and drive some where. The only bad thing is that we are never going anywhere more than 10 minutes away. So, she only gets short naps.) Anyway, we got her all loaded up in the stroller and got started.

Marley switched between being carried and riding in the stroller. I tried pretty hard to keep her out of the sun, but she still ended up with a little bit of a tan on her legs. When we got to the Hippos, she started getting fussy. So, I went into the bathroom to feed her a little bit. She was doing fine and not even crying until this little girl came in the bathroom and started screaming "I LOVE THE ZOO. I LOVE THE ZOO." This made Marley cry, of course, since Marley likes to eat in silence. So, I threw my shirt back on and hoped she would last until we got out of the zoo.
Once we had toured the whole zoo, we stopped for a water break. Marley hates Lufkin water just as much as everyone else, by the way. And, yes, that is her foot stuck up there by her shoulder. Babies are crazy like that.

Last but not least, we took a train ride. It was one of those little trains that seats like two people on each row. It was Marley's first train ride, but she didn't really seem to notice. It was more for me to take pictures of her doing it. But we did try really hard to get a picture of all three of us looking happy. The best one was the only one where Marley was smiling and we were not looking at the camera. But hey, at least we are all there!
We had a great time and it was fun to spend the afternoon doing something we don't normally do. Asa picked out a cute little shirt for Marley that has a bunch of animals on it and says the name of the zoo on it. I am really glad we went, but we will have to bring Marley back when she can pay more attention to the animals!

Marley switched between being carried and riding in the stroller. I tried pretty hard to keep her out of the sun, but she still ended up with a little bit of a tan on her legs. When we got to the Hippos, she started getting fussy. So, I went into the bathroom to feed her a little bit. She was doing fine and not even crying until this little girl came in the bathroom and started screaming "I LOVE THE ZOO. I LOVE THE ZOO." This made Marley cry, of course, since Marley likes to eat in silence. So, I threw my shirt back on and hoped she would last until we got out of the zoo.

Last but not least, we took a train ride. It was one of those little trains that seats like two people on each row. It was Marley's first train ride, but she didn't really seem to notice. It was more for me to take pictures of her doing it. But we did try really hard to get a picture of all three of us looking happy. The best one was the only one where Marley was smiling and we were not looking at the camera. But hey, at least we are all there!

Hello, Spring!
Well, Spring is officially here! And I am so excited. Winter sucks. So, I dressed Marley up in her new dress that her Mimi got her, in honor of Spring. 
I have made it Pool Beautification Week at Windhill which means that we get to hang out by the pool all day. Yesterday, we grilled and had everyone's family come up there. We had a lot of fun. Today, we are planning the same thing, then Asa, Marley and I are going to the zoo in Lufkin! It will be Marley's first trip to the zoo!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Great Day At Work
We had a lot of fun at work today. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we pretty much relaxed all day. First, Marley found the coolest new toy ever: a paper plate. It was a great distraction from her mouth hurting, so I let her have as much fun with it as she wanted. We sat on the couch together and greeted everyone who came in from there.

Then, we all went outside to sit by the pool and enjoy the weather. After a while, Asa showed up with lunch and we let Marley put her feet in the pool. Ok, maybe we didn't let her, we made her. she wasn't a huge fan. But, I don't blame her, it's freaking cold.
I think she really just wanted to catch all the little flowers and leaves that were floating around on top of the water.
I can't wait until this summer! It is going to be so much fun to take her swimming all the time. Is there a limit to the amount of times you can take a baby is the pool? Should you only do it every other day or something? Either way, I am really excited about it. Our summer will be relaxing and fun and hot! So, we will have to be in the pool!

Now, I get to leave work early! Woohoo!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
You Can't Pinch This Girl!

On other news, there is definitely something stabbing at me when I stick my finger in her mouth. And she has been making rivers of drool down her chest all day. We gave her some teething tablets last night and this morning, but I can't really tell if they work or not. But, I have to say that the worst part so far is the runny nose. It is always running and getting all over her face and in her hands. I am pretty much keeping a booger sucker by me all day long trying to get it, but it's not really working. It is annoying me when I try to feed her too, she can't breathe!
Anyway, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Ridin' in Style
Marley got two new rides today. The first one came via the UPS man. I bought this car seat for her over a week ago and it came in today! I think it's pretty cute, but I have to admit that I was drawn to it because it was the least expensive print. It's a Britax, so it's a pretty dang good car seat no matter what print is on it. She seemed to like it, and it is way more comfortable than her old car seat. And it has bright colors to look at! What baby wouldn't love it?
So, then we went to Wal-Mart to try to replace all of our baby products (which was not successful, by the way). And before we left I had been talking about buying one these shopping cart/highchair covers. I was even showing Asa the one I wanted from Babies R Us. Then, when we got to Wal-Mart, I went and looked at the ones they had. And this one was way cuter than the one from Babies R Us! So, we bought and put her in it right then. And she LOVED it! She is normally in the Moby Wrap with her, but sometimes she's just not in the mood. So, I'm excited about it. Every time we stopped moving she would whimper a little until we started moving again. Then she would squeal with delight. She's such a big girl!
And as you can see, the car seat did it's job. She passed right out.
Now, I have to go let Marley gnaw on my hand for a while. I think the fussiness has started. Yay.

A Tooth is Peaking at Me
Marley is getting her first tooth! I thought I saw it yesterday morning, but I couldn't decide if I was just imagining it. It was like a little white spot on the bottom right hand side. She had been rubbing her ears the night before and I got worried that she had another ear infection. So, I kept an eye on her and noticed that she also has a runny nose (another symptom of teething). It is extremely hard to get in there to see, especially when she's crying the whole time. Literally, I touch her chin and she snaps her mouth shut and shakes her head. It's pretty funny.
But at the same time, I am excited. The food choices grow and so will her eating skills. We can branch out to Cheerios, cheese, meat, and fresh fruits! All that makes me excited! And I will probably love her smile just as much with a couple white teeth sticking through.
Scary News
A news program out of Dallas/Fort Worth did a story recently on finding trace amounts of 1,4 dioxane and formaldehyde (both of which are known to cause cancer) in many baby products. Here is the link to the story, if anyone is interested. You can watch the video and below that there is a link to the list of products they tested. Even Johnson's Baby Shampoo is on there!
So, now we've got lead in toys, melamine in formula, and carcinogens in baby shampoo. It's pretty hard to keep up with it all. But, I guess we are going to the store to buy different products, because a lot of the ones we use are on the list...
So, now we've got lead in toys, melamine in formula, and carcinogens in baby shampoo. It's pretty hard to keep up with it all. But, I guess we are going to the store to buy different products, because a lot of the ones we use are on the list...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Squashed Squash
My mom and I made Marley some yellow squash this evening. She actually likes chewing on the squash way more that she steamed and pureed squash. It probably felt pretty good on her gums.
Marley played with Aunt Emily while I got it all ready for her.
Hm, not a very ahppy face. I really couldn't tell if she just didn't like it or if she just didn't expect that taste. She kept opening her mouth for more and doing her COME ON PEOPLE dance.
I'm guessing it probably wasn't her favorite. She is definitely a banana and green beans girl (not together though...) since those are the only two things she will excitedly eat.

Hm, not a very ahppy face. I really couldn't tell if she just didn't like it or if she just didn't expect that taste. She kept opening her mouth for more and doing her COME ON PEOPLE dance.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Emily's Swim Banquet
Thursday night, we went to my sister's swim team banquet. Of course, she didn't sit with us, but my mom and Joel were there to help with Marley. Let's just say she doesn't like banquets. Even if everyone is oohing and gooing over her. They had a real high chair for her, so Mimi fed her some banana and Papa managed to put her to sleep for a little while until everyone started clapping. When she woke up, she was pretty hungry, so I fed her it the little lounge area of the bathroom. It was a late night... we didn't get home until a little after nine. But she was a good sport, all things considered.

When we got home, I really wanted to take some pictures of me and Marley. Well, Asa was busy doing some housework that I had asked him to do and I really didn't want to interrupt that. So, I did my best by myself. Unfortunately, they didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. I look pretty messy and my hair is every possible direction it can be in. But we got a few cute ones. At least you can see the struggle it was on my face.

She looks so cute in the pictures I take of her, but it must be because I am behind the camera. She's not interested in looking at the camera this way.

And She Says She Doesn't Want Babies

OBGYN's Have a Messy Job
Yesterday, I had my annual Well Woman exam at 2:30. I have had this appointment since my 6 week postpartum check-up. At that appointment, I didn't bring my daughter with me, which is evidently a big no-no. All the nurses and Dr. Hill were pretty sad. I told Asa that he had to come with me so that we could bring Marley and show her off.
About 10 minutes after we got there, Marley started her little I'M HUNGRY dance. The three women and two men sitting in the waiting room with me are looking at me like, "Aren't you going to do something?" So, I asked Asa to go walk around the hallway with her while I finished filling out all the stupid paper-work (I was here 6 months ago... is this really necessary?) After I finished, I went up to the lady at the front desk:
Me: I know this is a big request, but do you have an empty room where I could nurse my daughter? hopeful smile
Front Desk Bitch: NURSE her? Why?
Me: Well, she's hungry and I just don't feel comfortable doing it right here in the middle of everyone. hopeful smile through clenched teeth
FDB: Well, I would have to go ask...
Me: Yea, ok...
FDB: Ok, I'll be back in a minute.
-five minutes later-
FDB: Ok, we have somewhere, but it's just a chair and a room. That's it. Just come on back.
Me: Thanks. sassy grin
So, fortunately, when I got back there all the nurses were really sweet and understanding. It must just be the girl at the front desk who is PMSing. They close me in the room and I try to feed Marley. Of course, she screams and flails around like she always does in public. After about 10 minutes of trying to get her to calm down, I give her the pacifier and tell Asa to take her for a drive. So much for everyone getting to see her.
I finally got called back to my room at 3:45. They tell me to get completely undressed, because I am also having a breast exam. So, I do it and wait. I have on a paper blanket across my legs, a paper vest to cover my top half, and paper lining the table. As I always do for some reason at this office, I start sweating. Which isn't a big deal for the paper that is covering me, but the paper underneath me starts sticking to my legs. I try to move around to get comfortable and hear it tearing underneath me. No big deal, I just won't move.
So, I start reading a magazine. -hm, something is wet- I look down at my attractive little paper vest and see a huge wet spot the size of my head. I guess that's what I get for looking at all the pictures of babies in that magazine... So, I can't decide what to do. I just know that if I get up and look for another vest thing, she will come in the second I'm uncovered. It might scare her to walk in on a crazy, butt-naked lady with milk squirting all over the place. But, I can't hear anything in the hallway, so I decide to risk it. Then, just as I am sitting back down about to change my vest, she comes in. It is completely obvious what is going on, but I explained anyway. I'm sure my face was bright red and I looked like a weirdo, but she laughed anyway and made me feel better.
So, first is the breast exam. She makes a joke about being careful so that she doesn't get squirted in the eye, but nothing happens. Then as she is going to the other side, I remember that she is about to find something odd. Tuesday morning, I woke up with a hickey next to my nipple. I was so freaking tired that night that I evidently didn't even feel Marley had missed my nipple while she was trying to eat. She must have sucked pretty dang hard because it's about the size of a dime and all black and blue. So, I quickly put my hand over it like an idiot and try to explain myself.
Me: um, well, I woke up with a hickey the other morning. I promise it's from my daughter. It doesn't hurt or anything, it's just pretty weird.
Dr. Hill: Oh, haha, I see that. Aw, it's so little, it had to be her!
My face turned bright red and I felt like such a crazy person. I had wet milk spots all over me, a hickey on the side of my boob, and to top it all off, I had forgotten to shave my legs! I'm sure she has seen much worse, but she is probably not looking forward to seeing me next year. I need to plan these things better.
About 10 minutes after we got there, Marley started her little I'M HUNGRY dance. The three women and two men sitting in the waiting room with me are looking at me like, "Aren't you going to do something?" So, I asked Asa to go walk around the hallway with her while I finished filling out all the stupid paper-work (I was here 6 months ago... is this really necessary?) After I finished, I went up to the lady at the front desk:
Me: I know this is a big request, but do you have an empty room where I could nurse my daughter? hopeful smile
Front Desk Bitch: NURSE her? Why?
Me: Well, she's hungry and I just don't feel comfortable doing it right here in the middle of everyone. hopeful smile through clenched teeth
FDB: Well, I would have to go ask...
Me: Yea, ok...
FDB: Ok, I'll be back in a minute.
-five minutes later-
FDB: Ok, we have somewhere, but it's just a chair and a room. That's it. Just come on back.
Me: Thanks. sassy grin
So, fortunately, when I got back there all the nurses were really sweet and understanding. It must just be the girl at the front desk who is PMSing. They close me in the room and I try to feed Marley. Of course, she screams and flails around like she always does in public. After about 10 minutes of trying to get her to calm down, I give her the pacifier and tell Asa to take her for a drive. So much for everyone getting to see her.
I finally got called back to my room at 3:45. They tell me to get completely undressed, because I am also having a breast exam. So, I do it and wait. I have on a paper blanket across my legs, a paper vest to cover my top half, and paper lining the table. As I always do for some reason at this office, I start sweating. Which isn't a big deal for the paper that is covering me, but the paper underneath me starts sticking to my legs. I try to move around to get comfortable and hear it tearing underneath me. No big deal, I just won't move.
So, I start reading a magazine. -hm, something is wet- I look down at my attractive little paper vest and see a huge wet spot the size of my head. I guess that's what I get for looking at all the pictures of babies in that magazine... So, I can't decide what to do. I just know that if I get up and look for another vest thing, she will come in the second I'm uncovered. It might scare her to walk in on a crazy, butt-naked lady with milk squirting all over the place. But, I can't hear anything in the hallway, so I decide to risk it. Then, just as I am sitting back down about to change my vest, she comes in. It is completely obvious what is going on, but I explained anyway. I'm sure my face was bright red and I looked like a weirdo, but she laughed anyway and made me feel better.
So, first is the breast exam. She makes a joke about being careful so that she doesn't get squirted in the eye, but nothing happens. Then as she is going to the other side, I remember that she is about to find something odd. Tuesday morning, I woke up with a hickey next to my nipple. I was so freaking tired that night that I evidently didn't even feel Marley had missed my nipple while she was trying to eat. She must have sucked pretty dang hard because it's about the size of a dime and all black and blue. So, I quickly put my hand over it like an idiot and try to explain myself.
Me: um, well, I woke up with a hickey the other morning. I promise it's from my daughter. It doesn't hurt or anything, it's just pretty weird.
Dr. Hill: Oh, haha, I see that. Aw, it's so little, it had to be her!
My face turned bright red and I felt like such a crazy person. I had wet milk spots all over me, a hickey on the side of my boob, and to top it all off, I had forgotten to shave my legs! I'm sure she has seen much worse, but she is probably not looking forward to seeing me next year. I need to plan these things better.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm a Plan Kind of Girl
Well, I conquered my fears and finally asked Carrie when she was going to want me to stop bringing Marley to work. I had been stressing about this because we haven't really talked about it. I assumed that it was going to be when she started crawling. And I guess I didn't really ask because I didn't really want to hear that. I don't want Marley to have to go to day care yet. And it was going so far that I was having nightmares about Marley crawling and the next day, I show up to work and Carrie is like, "Nope, she has to go!"
Luckily, I asked when I did. Because the stress I was under could have made my hair start falling out. She told me the most super fantastic, exciting, spectacular news! She can stay! Even when she's crawling. Even when she's walking. Even when she's running! So, until the whole Asa-working-full-time thing works out, she can stay with me! She will probably not even be with me a whole lot since Asa will still be working about 25 hours a week and can spend time with her when he's not. I am so excited/relieved/happy about it. I am really, really lucky. I will have to keep her baby-gated to the room my desk is in, and I will have to do some major baby-proofing, but it's so worth it. 90% of the time, there is no one in the office, so I can occupy her.
I'm so happy about it! I needed a plan!
Luckily, I asked when I did. Because the stress I was under could have made my hair start falling out. She told me the most super fantastic, exciting, spectacular news! She can stay! Even when she's crawling. Even when she's walking. Even when she's running! So, until the whole Asa-working-full-time thing works out, she can stay with me! She will probably not even be with me a whole lot since Asa will still be working about 25 hours a week and can spend time with her when he's not. I am so excited/relieved/happy about it. I am really, really lucky. I will have to keep her baby-gated to the room my desk is in, and I will have to do some major baby-proofing, but it's so worth it. 90% of the time, there is no one in the office, so I can occupy her.
I'm so happy about it! I needed a plan!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Coco and Taz
Carrie, my boss, brings her two dogs to work everyday. First, there's Taz. He is the shy and sweet one. He never wants to cause any drama, he just likes to hang out. He really likes Marley and keep a close eye on her whens he's at work with us. He is an observer.
Then, there's Coco. She is spastic, nosey, and intrusive. She likes to get in Marley's face, or on her face if I'm not watching. (I'm not being a bad mom, she's just a fast little twit.) Marley's not a huge fan of her, but Coco means well. She just wants to love on Marley and show her she cares about her. But Marley's doesn't get too in to it, obviously. Coco beats up on Taz, which is sad since Taz is the sweet one.

Between the babbling baby and barking dogs, the office gets pretty crazy. But it's fun! We are the most exciting office in Nacogdoches!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Strawberry Princess
So, I know you aren't really supposed to give babies strawberries too early because they can get allergies to them. But, I was eating some strawberries yesterday and decided to let Marley try one. I let her suck on it for a little while and LOVED it. She sucked and sucked and chomped and sucked some more. She couldn't get enough of it. So, tonight I bought one of those mesh things that you can put fresh fruit in that is safe for babies to chew on . Hopefully, that will work, so I don't have to keep holding it for her. I was really glad she was interested in it, because the past few things I have tried with her have not really worked out. She still likes banana, avocao, and green beans. Sweet potatoes and pears are not her favorites. She will suffer through one or two bites ans then refuse it. But strawberries were a hit. My sister, Emily, will be so proud when she hears about this. She is the Strawberry Queen.

"Do you wanna taste it?"

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