So, I know you aren't really supposed to give babies strawberries too early because they can get allergies to them. But, I was eating some strawberries yesterday and decided to let Marley try one. I let her suck on it for a little while and LOVED it. She sucked and sucked and chomped and sucked some more. She couldn't get enough of it. So, tonight I bought one of those mesh things that you can put fresh fruit in that is safe for babies to chew on . Hopefully, that will work, so I don't have to keep holding it for her. I was really glad she was interested in it, because the past few things I have tried with her have not really worked out. She still likes banana, avocao, and green beans. Sweet potatoes and pears are not her favorites. She will suffer through one or two bites ans then refuse it. But strawberries were a hit. My sister, Emily, will be so proud when she hears about this. She is the Strawberry Queen.

"Do you wanna taste it?"

My babe loves strawberries, too!
So the car seat. I LOVE it. It's so soft and the print is totally adorable. I'm gonna have to do a blog about it. Our babies are car seat twinkies!
When did you let her try strawberries for the first time? Did I do it too soon?
You got the one that is yellow-ish with flowers on it, right? That's the only one on the site that was $179.99. We ordered our's Monday, so we haven't gotten it yet.
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