Monday, March 16, 2009

A Tooth is Peaking at Me

Marley is getting her first tooth! I thought I saw it yesterday morning, but I couldn't decide if I was just imagining it. It was like a little white spot on the bottom right hand side. She had been rubbing her ears the night before and I got worried that she had another ear infection. So, I kept an eye on her and noticed that she also has a runny nose (another symptom of teething). It is extremely hard to get in there to see, especially when she's crying the whole time. Literally, I touch her chin and she snaps her mouth shut and shakes her head. It's pretty funny.

Last night I checked again and it was a larger white spot. I definitely think one is coming now. I'm not making it up. It makes me a little sad. I mean, now she's really growing up. I am going to miss her little gummy smile and how sweet it looks. I will miss not having to worry about it when I'm nursing her. I can't get bitten right now. And I am going to miss the innocence of it. Teeth make a baby look so much more grown up and independent.

But at the same time, I am excited. The food choices grow and so will her eating skills. We can branch out to Cheerios, cheese, meat, and fresh fruits! All that makes me excited! And I will probably love her smile just as much with a couple white teeth sticking through.

The extreme fussiness hasn't started yet, but I know it's coming. Right now, she is just clingy. She wants to be held all the time and loved on constantly, which is not that bad. It's a nice break from her wanting to squirm away from me like usual. Last night she was actually laying her head on my chest when I was holding her. She hasn't done that since she was 2 weeks old!


cathartic said...

try hylands teething tablets!!! they work so well...

Jillian said...

Ok, good. We got her like 3 bottle of them for Christmas from Santa! We just haven't tried them yet. Hopefully they work for her! Cuz I can actually feel it poking through now!

cathartic said...

hylands also makes a calming tablet. i hope they work for her. i can see little white spots in lola's lower gums. how exciting!

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