Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby-proofing Mission

We did some major cleaning and baby-proofing this weekend. I started in Marley's room because I figured it would be the easiest. Since she doesn't sleep in her crib, the room was really only being used for changing diapers, getting dressed, and rocking her to sleep. Her crib is filled with our clean clothes that I don't feel like putting away and her floor is covered in other random things that don't have a place. Literally, we could not have played on the floor together in there.

So, I started by moving the glider to our room since that is where she sleeps anyway. It has been really inconvenient to have it in her room and then have to open that door and walk to our room while trying to keep her asleep. Then, I attacked the laundry and put most of it away and clean up the dirty clothes off the ground. I put everything away where it was supposed to go and cleaned up the bookshelves. Now that it is finished, there is a huge amount of play space in there. We have set up all of her toys and that has become the new hang out room. We even went and bought a little book shelf and put a fish tank on it for her. So far, she loves it. I can stand her up next to the fish tank and she will try to touch the fish through the glass.

Next was the living room. We rearranged a few things so that the outlets were blocked by furniture. We got rid of a few things and returned some things to Wal-Mart that had been sitting in the floor for months. Our apartment looks so clean! I hope it can stay this way for at least a day. Asa doesn't know it yet, but he is going to be shampooing the carpet this afternoon while Marley and I are at work. Then, it will be perfect.

I know Marley is going to be crawling any day now. She is getting closer and closer everyday. So, we are almost ready for it. The hard part will be reminding Asa that he can't just put things wherever he wants now. No more tools and nails on the ground...

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