Today was Marley's first trip to the zoo. Asa and I have been really wanting to take her to the zoo because we want her to love animals. she is getting a great start with her love for
Kima, but I want her to love all of them. I don't really have a great reason why I want her to love animals so much except that Asa and I love them so much. However, the
Lufkin Zoo is nowhere near the coolest zoo in the world. It takes about an hour to get through and not all of the exhibits have something in them. But, it's a good start. We went with David and his son Eli, our neighbors. She slept the whole way there, thank goodness. (On a side note, I would just like to say that her new car seat knocks her out every single time we get her in it and drive some where. The only bad thing is that we are never going anywhere more than 10 minutes away. So, she only gets short naps.) Anyway, we got her all loaded up in the stroller and got started.

Marley switched between being carried and riding in the stroller. I tried pretty hard to keep her out of the sun, but she still ended up with a little bit of a tan on her legs. When we got to the Hippos, she started getting fussy. So, I went into the bathroom to feed her a little bit. She was doing fine and not even crying until this little girl came in the bathroom and started screaming "I LOVE THE ZOO. I LOVE THE ZOO." This made Marley cry, of course, since Marley likes to eat in silence. So, I threw my shirt back on and hoped she would last until we got out of the zoo.
Once we had toured the whole zoo, we stopped for a water break. Marley hates
Lufkin water just as much as everyone else, by the way. And, yes, that is her foot stuck up there by her shoulder. Babies are crazy like that.

Last but not least, we took a train ride. It was one of those little trains that seats like two people on each row. It was Marley's first train ride, but she didn't really seem to notice. It was more for me to take pictures of her doing it. But we did try really hard to get a picture of all three of us looking happy. The best one was the only one where Marley was smiling and we were not looking at the camera. But hey, at least we are all there!

We had a great time and it was fun to spend the afternoon doing something we don't normally do. Asa picked out a cute little shirt for Marley that has a bunch of animals on it and says the name of the zoo on it. I am really glad we went, but we will have to bring Marley back when she can pay more attention to the animals!
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