Marley got two new rides today. The first one came via the UPS man. I bought this car seat for her over a week ago and it came in today! I think it's pretty cute, but I have to admit that I was drawn to it because it was the least expensive print. It's a Britax, so it's a pretty dang good car seat no matter what print is on it. She seemed to like it, and it is way more comfortable than her old car seat. And it has bright colors to look at! What baby wouldn't love it?

So, then we went to Wal-Mart to try to replace all of our baby products (which was not successful, by the way). And before we left I had been talking about buying one these shopping cart/highchair covers. I was even showing Asa the one I wanted from Babies R Us. Then, when we got to Wal-Mart, I went and looked at the ones they had. And this one was way cuter than the one from Babies R Us! So, we bought and put her in it right then. And she LOVED it! She is normally in the Moby Wrap with her, but sometimes she's just not in the mood. So, I'm excited about it. Every time we stopped moving she would whimper a little until we started moving again. Then she would squeal with delight. She's such a big girl!

And as you can see, the car seat did it's job. She passed right out.

Now, I have to go let Marley gnaw on my hand for a while. I think the fussiness has started. Yay.
She looks so precious!
I cant wait for her to sit in the carts! We have a cute cover too and i cant wait to use it. Even though, I prefer her in the sling. Oh, and my husband thinks our daughters look alike!!!
haha, they kind of do! I can see it. I really do like having her in the sling or the Moby Wrap, but she gets sick of it sometimes.
I bet bean will too. When did you sit her in the cart for the first time? Was it just then?
ohhhh... did you pick out new baby wash/shampoo??? i have some recommendations if you need them!!!
Yea, this was the first time we had tried it. I was a little nervous about her being able to sit up without falling for that long, but she did great.
I would love some recommendations for baby stuff! The problem is that I will probably have to search really hard for them. I haven't gone to CVS or Walgreens, but that's pretty much all we have here besides Wal-Mart. I can go to a Target on the weekend. It sucks living in a small town.
Target will have California Baby. I really really like them!!!! They smell so good too. Also, I did some research, Morning glory, is in your area. They would likely have some things. Or you could just buy online. Do you IM?? Chat me or email me. and I can give you some other suggestions. ;-)
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