Evidently Kima is hilarious.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sleep Talking

Sitting Up!
By the way, "falled" has become part of my babytalk for some reason... I am aware that "fell" is the right way... I think it came from The Land Before Time when Petrie is like "I flew?" and then Ducky says, "No, you falled."
Poor Petrie.
Mommy's Little Helper

It is such a terrible feeling when you just don't know what to do. You try everything you can think of and your baby will not calm down. It makes me feel like I am hurting her and my mind is racing trying to think about what I am missing. I'm thinking, what could possibly have happened it three seconds that took her from sleeping happily to screaming at the top of her lungs?
Thank God that she is asleep right now and I can now calm myself down. I am afraid to go back to sleep though in case it happens again.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Boys are Silly
In other news, we are going to Houston on Valentine's Day weekend. G-ma Karen and G-pa David are really excited to see us and it will be Marley's first trip to Houston. My sister has a swim meet in The Woodlands on Friday and Saturday, so we will be there to support her too. Hopefully she appreciates it and doesn't make too many comments about me feeding Marley at the meet... Anyway, I am so excited to get out of Nacogdoches and look at some new buildings and eat and some new restaurants! Everybody needs a change at some point.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lip Sucker?
Battle Scars
However, I do still wish I could lose weight. I read a story yesterday about a woman who had a baby and was 8 pounds below her pre-pregnancy weight by two weeks! Two weeks! If only I could have been so lucky. But, no. I am still carrying around every single bit of it, plus some. Even with breastfeeding exclusively.
So, today is the day. I am not embarassed of the way my body looks, but I would love to have a few more clothing options and be able to wear. I am going to only make healthy choices to put in my mouth and I am going to walk 4 or 5 times a week. There. Now it's set in stone. Everybody heard it.
I know that my stretch marks will never go away, but I don't really want them to. They are kind of comforting to me since I loved being pregnant. I am incredibly proud of my body and everything it has done to give me this beautiful baby girl.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New Pictures

Monday, January 26, 2009
Not Ready
She was pretty much fussy and crying and poopy the rest of the night. I figured since she is almost 6 months old, that she would be fine, but she wasn't. So what does that mean for a couple of weeks from now when we are supposed to start solids? Should I wait?
In other news, Marley is getting so much better at sitting up! She can do it for about a minute now if she really concentrates. Sometimes she will lunge for things in front of her and fall face-first into the carpet. But, it's so cute. She looks like such a big girl! She can play with things and throw them around now instead of them just sitting on her belly. I took a video of her sitting up and playing, but Asa can't figure out how to put the videos on the computer. It sucks.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Nature Girl

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First Day of School
I had my first day of class today and Marley went to stay at my mom's for the hour I was in class. I think it was the earliest I have ever had to get Marley out of the house: 7:30 am. So, I woke up at 6:30, took a shower and got dressed. Then I woke Asa and Marley up and had him get her ready. She hates her medicines in the morning. First, she has to take the nasty vitamin that smells like death because of all the Iron in it. Then, she has to take the thrush* (more on that later) medicine and she gags through the whole thing. I have no idea how much medicine actually gets down her throat, but I doubt it's very much. Anyway, so I am rushing around running late and trying to figure out where the heck my class is going to be. So, I walk outside to the parking lot and my car is nowhere to be found. I panicked. Asa has a terrible habit of leaving the keys in the car, so I was having a terrible vision of my car being gone forever. I called Asa and he was like "I am soooo sorry... (I am thinking, Damn it! He did!) I parked it on the other side of the building" So, no big deal, but it did give me a minor heart attack. So, I walk around the building and find my car sitting there with all the windows down and the sun roof open. Yipee. This is a constant battle with Asa. He doesn't get it. So, I have sit there and wait for 10 minutes before I can see through the windows to drive. It is so hard to sit there and watch ice melt when you are already 10 minutes late.
Well, I got there on time. And I managed to not think about Marley and what she was doing the whole time. I mentioned that I had a daughter as my "interesting fact" about myself. I actually heard a few snickers! I was like, what the hell is so funny about me having a daughter?! Well, I didn't say that out loud, but I thought it and shot mean looks at everyone in the room.
*Ok, thrush. Marley and I both have thrush after almost 6 months of breastfeeding! It is getting better since we got medicine, but it was miserable for a few days! On Monday, I called the OBGYN to ask if I was supposed to get medicine and the nurse said that I had to call my regular doctor. "Ok, but you can't even just tell me if I need something?" "No, you will have to call someone else" So, I call my regular doctor and spend 5 minutes explaining the whole situation to the woman. The whole time she is going "Uh huh. Yea. Ok." like she is totally not listening to what I am saying. When the nurse calls back, she says, "You will have to make an appointment and come in because it not very common for adults to get thrush in their mouths..." I kind of yelled at her about the fact that it was in my daughter's mouth and on my nipples because she had been so rude to me at the beginning. So, anyway. we both meds and it's slowly getting better. I still don't know where we got it though.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Favorite Times
Then, I get out first and put on my robe and get a towel for Marley. She doesn't like the whole transition to the bedroom, but once we get there she starts cooing away because she knows what comes next. Massage.
So, I dry her off and get some Johnson's Bedtime Lotion on my hands and rub it all over her tummy, arms, back, and legs. She talks the whole time. She absolutely loves it. I love it too. It's our bonding time.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Activities at Mimi and Papa's
She did not like laying down in the spinach though.
But then she decided that she no longer wanted to be a Cabbage Patch Kid.
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Favorite Things that start with M
1. Marley- From her adorable little dimples to her cute tiny toes, I love this baby more than anything in the entire world!
2. My new bed- Just this morning we went and bought a beautiful, comfortable, King size bed! It has enough room for at least two more kids! It won't be here until Monday, but at least that gives me times to clean the bedroom before it gets here!
3. My Asa- Okay, I know that's cheating, but I had to include him in my favorite things somehow...
4. Mom (mine)- She is a wonderful mother and I hope that I can be as close to Marley as my mom is with me. She worked hard raising us kids! I guess she's still working hard, especially on that brother of mine...
5. Massages- I couldn't even pay Asa to give me one. But I need one!
6. Movies- Lately when I send Asa to Blockbuster to pick out a movie for us to watch, all I want are funny movies. I can't even remember the last time I wanted to watch anything else.
7. Making people smile- I try so hard with some people in the office, but it doesn't always work. But Marley is really good at it!
8. Melons- I could eat an entire watermelon if I wanted to.
9. Making money- Then I can spend it!
10. Motherhood- Cliche answer, I know. But this really is the best and most fun adventure I will ever go on!
If you want to play, let me know and I will give you a letter!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Interesting Things About Marley
She has already mastered sticking out her bottom lip when she wants to look really pitiful about something. It is so darn cute right now that it really works on me. Hopefully one day I will get past the cuteness and stand firm about whatever it is.
She loves bath time. She smiles and laughs through the whole thing, even if water gets in her eyes. Hopefully that carries over and she will love swimming also.
She smiles at everyone that comes into the office. Especially blonds...
She knows what it means when I am getting ready to feed her. She opens her mouth and makes a short little "heh heh heh heh" noise. It's like, "Come on. Come on. Come on." It makes me laugh every time.
She looks so adorable in hats! She needs like 5 more though so that she's not wearing the same one everyday.
Her new favorite thing to do is sit between my legs while I hold her basket full of toys in front of her. Then she slowly takes every single toy and teether out of the basket and puts it in front of her. After she empties the basket, she's ready to move on. Screw playing with them.
She likes to watch everything I put into my mouth. Whether I am eating an apple or drinking water, she follows it all the way up and all the way back down.
She lights up when Asa comes in the room. She can be crying for me while I change her clothes, but as soon as she sees his face, she smiles.
She loves Kima. She pets her and pulls her hair. Kima loves Marley, too.
She also loves the fish tanks. We have her swing next to one and she stares at it the whole time she is in it.
She loves when I wear necklaces. She will grab them, pull them, eat them, suck on them, and throw them at me. It's a good thing I wear them for her because otherwise she would be bored.
She is most ticklish on her feet and ribs. She loves for us to pretend like we are going to eat her ribs.
She also laughs really hard when we pretend to throw up. Yea, like a 10 year old boy.
She loves when she gets her fingers in my mouth. I pretend to chew on them or suck on them and she giggles the whole time.
Marley will only eat in silence. As soon as someone starts talking or makes a noise, she cries until they stop. Then she gives me a stern look and goes back to business. Drama Queen.
The main reason that I write about these things that some people may think are boring is because I don't want to forget any of it. I want to be able to go back and read all this with Marley one day and tell her about all the cute things she did and funny stories that happened. I want to be able to remember it all. I'll add more as I come up with them.
My First Recall
I am so pissed.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Highchairs and Sippy Cups
I started reading today on askdrsears.com about helping babies get to sleep without crying it out. I don't even want to think about leaving her in her crib while I listen to her scream. So, I read all about what my other options are. I am going to try to start putting her on a good schedule during the day and not letting her nap past 6:30 pm. So, I am hoping that around 9 or 9:30 pm she will be ready for bed. So far it is working. I fed her at 9:30 and she fell asleep right after. Now I just have to cross my fingers and hope she stays that way.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Here is some video evidence of the sitting up and responding to her name.
She is so cute! I was just putting all the videos that we have onto our hard drive. It made me all teary-eyed to look at the videos from when she was younger. And it is crazy how much she has already changed.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Look What My Girl Can Do!

Friday, January 9, 2009
A Date

Weight Watchers
Well, guess who forgot to cancel it and now has a $65.00 charge from Weight Watchers. Yea. Me. I was really upset when I realized it last night, especially since I hadn't even really been doing it for the 8 days I had had it. Then I thought, maybe this is good. It is catered to me and the fact that I am nursing, so the least I can do it try it for three months and see if I lose weight, right?
So, here I am at day one. I am allotted 40 points a day and I used 16 so far. I have to use exactly 40 a day to lose weight and keep my milk going. So, I think I have room to relax a little about what I eat. I mean, 26 points for one meal is a lot. As long as I am not eating totally unhealthy I can do it. But, if I see an decrease in my supply, it's sayonara. I don't want to lose weight that bad.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
5 Months, Oh My God!
I can't even imagine how sad I am going to be about next month. That's 6! Half a year! Also, with 6 months comes baby food. That makes things so complicated. Right now it's just cry=boob. With real food, I have to actually think about it. It will be exciting, but I will have to plan ahead for places and bring baby food with me. I am planning to make my own baby food. I have been reading about it and how moms find time for it. And it sounds reasonable. I read that you can make enough food for 2 weeks in about an hour. That's totally doable!
Yesterday, some stoner-looking girls came in the office to look for an apartment. They were ooo-ing over Marley and asked me her name. I knew what their response would be: "Whoa! That is suuuuuch an awesome name! Bob Marley is so cool." (said in stoner-voice) Bob Marley is not that cool. And she isn't named after him. I did not say this out loud to them and crush their dreams, but I did think it pretty hard. Why does everyone assume she is named after him? For the record, she is not. I just liked the name when I saw someone else's baby was named Marley. So, quit telling me how cool Bob Marley is.
Did you know that you can print your blog in book form? You probably did, but I had no idea. I am going to ask for that for my birthday next year. It can be Marley's first year. I am really excited about it! But, I have to go through and fix all my typos. Dang it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Whamie

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Pool Party Anyone?
Today is Billy's birthday. We just got back from his pirate themed birthday party. The whole time I was thinking about Marley's first birthday: where it should be, what I want to do, who would come... And I'm thinking pool party! All of our family members like to swim and by then Marley will have been in the water a few times. It will be August, so it will be warm enough. So, there we go. Already planned.
On New Year's Day Marley decided she wanted to start rolling over again. She literally hasn't done it once since Thanksgiving, but she's a rollin' fool now. Every time I put her on her stomach, she rolls to her back... how am I supposed to make her do tummy time?! It takes her a minute or two to remember what goes where, but she gets it. Then she looks at me like, "What happened?!!" while I am clapping and yelling. She can also lift up her upper body now. I guess you can see that is the pictures I posted last time, but it's a new thing. She is getting pretty strong! She still can't really sit up, but she is getting closer. I don't know if the Bumbo is actually helping, but we use it as much as we can!
She is going to be 5 months on Wednesday. I can't believe it every time I think about it. That's one month away from baby food. A few months away from crawling. Almost half way to a year. I think about how quickly this five months went by and then think about how life will be in five more months. So much is going to change! I'm not ready for a crawler. Or a walker. I want all the stages to last a little longer before we move onto the next one.
Oh well. There is nothing I can do, so I have to enjoy it as it comes!