Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nature Girl

The past two days has been wonderful weather-wise. Thursday afternoon, it was 70 degrees and yesterday was 75! Of course, it is getting cold again today, but those random days when it turns pleasant put me in such a good mood! Asa has taken Marley to the park three times in the past two days! So, Thursday after work we took Marley outside to take some pictures. I love pictures so much more when they are taken outside with no flash. I think she flash washer her out and makes the background too dark. So, anytime it is warm now, we take her out for a photo shoot. Here are some cute ones from Thursday. How is it that I never get to be in the pictures? She loves leaves. Her Daddy is so proud...

Marley has been a fantastic little baby lately. On Tuesday night, she went to bed at 6:30 pm! She has never done that! She hasn't gone to sleep like that since, but she is muuuuch easier to put to sleep. I am not letting her nap past 6:30 every evening. So, there is so much less crying at bedtime now. It's amazing. She is still falling over most of the time when I try to sit her up. But, I can tell that her abs and back muscles are getting stronger. I bet in a few weeks she will be able to do it. She also talks all the time. There is never any awkward silences when she's around. She has a lot to tell people these days. We have to actually stop watching our shows because we can't hear them over her! The thrush is going away. I can still see a few spots in Marley's mouth, but I am healed. I am kind of sad because she is getting too long for all the little 6 month sleepers she got for Christmas. She is growing too fast! We are also on her last package of size 2 diapers. We are going to have to move on the size 3! That seems so big!

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