Marley hasn't been fighting sleep at all lately. We are back to where she rubs her eyes to tell us she is tired and then she goes right to sleep. I also think she might be getting a tooth soon. I am very glad that we have lasted this long without one because I am scared of her biting my nipples off. However, I think she had one coming. She has been rubbing her ears, drooling gallons, and chewing on everything. How do you know when she's crying because of her teeth instead of crying because she's in a bad mood? I can cure hunger and being cold or tired, but how do I know when to give her something for teething?
I was thinking about it, and I don't even recognize myself when I think about life before Marley. Some people may cringe at the thought of themselves being like that, but I love it. I want her to be my reason for being a better person. I feel like I have a purpose and a mission for life: be the best mother I can be. To me that means giving her all the love I want to, rocking her to sleep as often as I want, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and wearing her in a wrap. It makes me happy to do this and to make Marley happy.
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