Friday, January 9, 2009

Weight Watchers

So, on New Years Eve I joined Weight Watchers for a free 7 day trial. I was thinking I would just try it out and see how I felt about. You still have to enter in a credit card number because after the seven days, they charge you for the month. But I planned to cancel it after six days and never have to get charged.

Well, guess who forgot to cancel it and now has a $65.00 charge from Weight Watchers. Yea. Me. I was really upset when I realized it last night, especially since I hadn't even really been doing it for the 8 days I had had it. Then I thought, maybe this is good. It is catered to me and the fact that I am nursing, so the least I can do it try it for three months and see if I lose weight, right?

So, here I am at day one. I am allotted 40 points a day and I used 16 so far. I have to use exactly 40 a day to lose weight and keep my milk going. So, I think I have room to relax a little about what I eat. I mean, 26 points for one meal is a lot. As long as I am not eating totally unhealthy I can do it. But, if I see an decrease in my supply, it's sayonara. I don't want to lose weight that bad.

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