Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pool Party Anyone?

Well, I haven't really written about anything in almost a week. So, I guess I have a lot to catch up on.

Today is Billy's birthday. We just got back from his pirate themed birthday party. The whole time I was thinking about Marley's first birthday: where it should be, what I want to do, who would come... And I'm thinking pool party! All of our family members like to swim and by then Marley will have been in the water a few times. It will be August, so it will be warm enough. So, there we go. Already planned.

On New Year's Day Marley decided she wanted to start rolling over again. She literally hasn't done it once since Thanksgiving, but she's a rollin' fool now. Every time I put her on her stomach, she rolls to her back... how am I supposed to make her do tummy time?! It takes her a minute or two to remember what goes where, but she gets it. Then she looks at me like, "What happened?!!" while I am clapping and yelling. She can also lift up her upper body now. I guess you can see that is the pictures I posted last time, but it's a new thing. She is getting pretty strong! She still can't really sit up, but she is getting closer. I don't know if the Bumbo is actually helping, but we use it as much as we can!

She is going to be 5 months on Wednesday. I can't believe it every time I think about it. That's one month away from baby food. A few months away from crawling. Almost half way to a year. I think about how quickly this five months went by and then think about how life will be in five more months. So much is going to change! I'm not ready for a crawler. Or a walker. I want all the stages to last a little longer before we move onto the next one.

Oh well. There is nothing I can do, so I have to enjoy it as it comes!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Pool Party sounds fun to me!!!

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