Friday, January 16, 2009

My Favorite Things that start with M

This is called the Alphabet Super Game. Aimee has given me the letter M and now I must make a list of my ten favorite things that start with M. The first one is easy.

1. Marley- From her adorable little dimples to her cute tiny toes, I love this baby more than anything in the entire world!

2. My new bed- Just this morning we went and bought a beautiful, comfortable, King size bed! It has enough room for at least two more kids! It won't be here until Monday, but at least that gives me times to clean the bedroom before it gets here!

3. My Asa- Okay, I know that's cheating, but I had to include him in my favorite things somehow...

4. Mom (mine)- She is a wonderful mother and I hope that I can be as close to Marley as my mom is with me. She worked hard raising us kids! I guess she's still working hard, especially on that brother of mine...

5. Massages- I couldn't even pay Asa to give me one. But I need one!

6. Movies- Lately when I send Asa to Blockbuster to pick out a movie for us to watch, all I want are funny movies. I can't even remember the last time I wanted to watch anything else.

7. Making people smile- I try so hard with some people in the office, but it doesn't always work. But Marley is really good at it!

8. Melons- I could eat an entire watermelon if I wanted to.

9. Making money- Then I can spend it!

10. Motherhood- Cliche answer, I know. But this really is the best and most fun adventure I will ever go on!

If you want to play, let me know and I will give you a letter!


Aimee said...

I tagged you for another one!!

Emily said...

So I totally went to blog2print and typed in your blog just to see what it would look like. It is the coolest thing in the world! I totally want to get one for myself.. i dont know what I would blog about... but anyways... it is really cool!

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