Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Ready

So, Saturday afternoon I gave Marley a little bit of really watered-down juice in a sippy cup.


She was pretty much fussy and crying and poopy the rest of the night. I figured since she is almost 6 months old, that she would be fine, but she wasn't. So what does that mean for a couple of weeks from now when we are supposed to start solids? Should I wait?

In other news, Marley is getting so much better at sitting up! She can do it for about a minute now if she really concentrates. Sometimes she will lunge for things in front of her and fall face-first into the carpet. But, it's so cute. She looks like such a big girl! She can play with things and throw them around now instead of them just sitting on her belly. I took a video of her sitting up and playing, but Asa can't figure out how to put the videos on the computer. It sucks.

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