There is no possible way for me to keep track and write about all the things that Marley learns every day. She learns several new things a day, and it is so amazing.
One of the main things that has been changing is the amount of things she understands. For example, when I say "We need to take your shoes off," she sits town on the floor and starts undoing them. Or when we tell her to give something to someone else, she gives it to them. She is getting really good at identifying things. When I ask her where a flower is or where her shoe is, she points right to it. I guess that's so amazing to me because the flowers are different every time, but she can still tell! For some reason, whenever Marley has gotten stinky I will say "Did you poop? Why'd you poop?!" But she has learned what it means, so now she puts her hands on her legs and bends down to look at her diaper. It always makes me laugh.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Train and a Bruise
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Playing Outside and A Few Updates
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We Made Our Own Cache
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Rainy Day
This afternoon, my high school friend, Katie, came over to visit Marley and me. Marley was really shy and whiny for a while. I tried to get her to play with Katie, but she was not cooperating. Then, all of the sudden, she walked up to Katie, put her arms up for Katie to pick her up, and pointed to the door. So, Katie took her outside like she asked and let her put her hands in the falling rain. She was all about Katie from then on!

When Katie left, we went to my mom's house to clean up before she came home from her trip. I could kick myself for forgetting my camera, because she was so cute in the backyard! She was walking around in the sprinkling rain, splashing in puddles and waddling around the porch. Asa picked okra and Marley helped him carry the basket. It was adorable! I really should know this by now, don't EVER forget the camera!
His Favorite Time
Asa gives Marley her bath every night. They love playing in the bath, but Asa loves the moment when he wraps her in her towel even more.
He comes out all the time saying, "Jillian, get the camera!" He always wants me to take pictures of her all cuddled up and clean. I see why he loves it, though. She is so sweet and perfect all wrapped up in his arms.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Playing with Mimi
Sunday, August 23, 2009
After we left the house on Sunday, we realized the camera battery was dead. I am still sad about this, because we missed some really cute moments.
The first thing we did was go to Marley's first birthday party. Our little friend, Ava was turned two! They had tons of other kids there, a sprinkler in the back yard, and a big swing set to play on. It was really interesting to see her with other kids. She was the youngest there, but she didn't seem to notice. She sat in the baby pool with other kids, she played in the sprinkler with other kids, and walked through the sand after them. She ate Cheetos, pizza, ice cream, and cake. After I let her try her first Cheeto, she would walk up to other kids with Cheetos and beg for their Cheetos! It was so cute!
By the time the party was over, my Mimi had gotten in to town and we went over to visit with her. She had tons of food there, so Marley pretty much snacked for 2 hours. she had all kinds of fancy cheese and crackers, grapes, desserts, and anything else we could find. She wallowed all over Mimi and of course, got to tour the backyard many times.
But, I learned my lesson about all the sugar. She was going super speed until 10 o'clock at night. She was laughing, running down the hallway, rolling around on the floor, and falling all over us. But as fast as it had started, it ended. She was laughing one seconds, and passed out asleep the next.
The first thing we did was go to Marley's first birthday party. Our little friend, Ava was turned two! They had tons of other kids there, a sprinkler in the back yard, and a big swing set to play on. It was really interesting to see her with other kids. She was the youngest there, but she didn't seem to notice. She sat in the baby pool with other kids, she played in the sprinkler with other kids, and walked through the sand after them. She ate Cheetos, pizza, ice cream, and cake. After I let her try her first Cheeto, she would walk up to other kids with Cheetos and beg for their Cheetos! It was so cute!
By the time the party was over, my Mimi had gotten in to town and we went over to visit with her. She had tons of food there, so Marley pretty much snacked for 2 hours. she had all kinds of fancy cheese and crackers, grapes, desserts, and anything else we could find. She wallowed all over Mimi and of course, got to tour the backyard many times.
But, I learned my lesson about all the sugar. She was going super speed until 10 o'clock at night. She was laughing, running down the hallway, rolling around on the floor, and falling all over us. But as fast as it had started, it ended. She was laughing one seconds, and passed out asleep the next.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
It was a great afternoon
Hiking, Here We Come!
Since Marley started being able to move around more and we have been geocaching, we have been looking for a backpack to carry Marley in. We really want to be able to go camping once it gets cooler, but we had to have a backpack to do it.
So, I spent hours the other day looking up backpacks on the internet and trying to figure out if we could afford one. There were some that were decent, and some that we excellent but way out of our price range. Like, this one for example. It's the cream of the crop. The one all the hip, outdoorsy parents have. But, obviously we can't afford it.
Then, today Asa took a bunch of donations to The Women's Shelter and guess what he found.
The super expensive carrier, for NINE BUCKS! I'm not even kidding! It works, and has all the parts except for the cover. But, you know, she can wear a hat! I am so excited, I can't even believe it!
You can tell she loves it! When she wakes up from her nap, we are going to hike on the nature trail that goes through town!
So, I spent hours the other day looking up backpacks on the internet and trying to figure out if we could afford one. There were some that were decent, and some that we excellent but way out of our price range. Like, this one for example. It's the cream of the crop. The one all the hip, outdoorsy parents have. But, obviously we can't afford it.
Then, today Asa took a bunch of donations to The Women's Shelter and guess what he found.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Kiss Her Butt
This afternoon, Marley and I spent some time with Samantha and Zane. I didn't remember to bring my camera for some insane reason, so I don't have any pictures. But of course, we had fun. Zane is still not walking, but he blabbers so much! I am not used to hearing that since Marley is pretty quiet. I thought it was hilarious every time he started going! Marley wasn't making any noise at all until Zane had been quiet for a few minutes, but she is still so quiet compared to him. He likes to climb all over every toy he has, while Marley just cautiously plays with the little toys. He does have one bigger toy that she loves, but as soon as he wants it, she gets right off and gives it to him.
She was being really shy, but Zane was so interested in her. He was touching her legs, her head, her feet... but Marley was not interested. At one point, they were sitting next to each other and Zane leaned over and gave her a few kisses (this is where I kicked myself for not having my camera). She decided she was done and stood up, putting her butt in his face. I jokingly said, "She says 'Kiss my butt, Zane!'" And you know what that little boy did? He kissed her butt! Four times!! Samantha and I were practically rolling on the floor we were laughing so hard.
She eventually went over to him and gave him three or four kisses, so I think she likes him. He just has to be patient with her. She likes to play hard to get.
She was being really shy, but Zane was so interested in her. He was touching her legs, her head, her feet... but Marley was not interested. At one point, they were sitting next to each other and Zane leaned over and gave her a few kisses (this is where I kicked myself for not having my camera). She decided she was done and stood up, putting her butt in his face. I jokingly said, "She says 'Kiss my butt, Zane!'" And you know what that little boy did? He kissed her butt! Four times!! Samantha and I were practically rolling on the floor we were laughing so hard.
She eventually went over to him and gave him three or four kisses, so I think she likes him. He just has to be patient with her. She likes to play hard to get.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Marley Loves Kima
I caught this video today, of something Marley has been doing for the past few days. Isn't that so sweet?! Kima just looks around like "What is going on?" But I have to say, the kiss at the end is a little gross, but still cute.
Sweet Sleeper
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Where's Your Belly Button?
She can find it! I am so impressed! Next, we are starting to teach her where her nose is. This only took a few tries, so it should be quick. It's amazing how they just soak everything up!
New Things
GAH. Everything is GAH. Whether it's a good, exciting thing, or a bad thing, it's GAH.
She has started pointing at something and then pointing back to herself. I really think she knows what she's doing! At least I hope so... I have been giving her the things she points at too show her how it works.
She squeals all the time! It's really a squeal/scream, but it's really cute and happy. She'll do it once, then I do it back to her. Then she does it again. We go back and forth like that for a while before she gets sick of it.
She has started something new that I like to call The Happy Face. I don't think I can even describe how cute it is, so I will have to take a picture or something. But she dips her head back and smiles really big, trying to get me to smile.
One of her new favorite things to do is move the remote while we are watching tv. She usually takes it across the room and puts it on the entertainment center, but occasionally she will hide it somewhere and make me search for it. She also knows how to use to, so she points it at the tv when she gets a hold of it.
She is also getting 7th tooth, on her bottom right. I guess that explains all the whining I have been listening to.
She has started pointing at something and then pointing back to herself. I really think she knows what she's doing! At least I hope so... I have been giving her the things she points at too show her how it works.
She squeals all the time! It's really a squeal/scream, but it's really cute and happy. She'll do it once, then I do it back to her. Then she does it again. We go back and forth like that for a while before she gets sick of it.
She has started something new that I like to call The Happy Face. I don't think I can even describe how cute it is, so I will have to take a picture or something. But she dips her head back and smiles really big, trying to get me to smile.
One of her new favorite things to do is move the remote while we are watching tv. She usually takes it across the room and puts it on the entertainment center, but occasionally she will hide it somewhere and make me search for it. She also knows how to use to, so she points it at the tv when she gets a hold of it.
She is also getting 7th tooth, on her bottom right. I guess that explains all the whining I have been listening to.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Today was a lazy, but busy day. I know that doesn't sound possible, but it is. We spent the day hanging around the house. I got to sleep until 10 while Asa hung out with Marley. We rearranged our room and I love it so much more. Actually, I love the house so much more for some reason. We finally got to hang things on the wall and I have a place to put on make up and jewelry. I just really like it for some reason. I actually want to be in there!
This evening, my mom and Joel brought Emily back from camp! We missed her, but I don't really think she missed us too much. She was way more excited to see her friends. Then, my mom got us dinner from The BBQ House and brought it over to our house to eat with us! I can't even tell you how nice it was to have her over to our house for dinner. Granted, I didn't cook dinner or anything, but it was good to feel like she could come over. Marley was exhausted from not napping all afternoon, so I let her take a late nap.
And it's a good thing, because we had a fun night! We went geocaching! What's geocaching you say? Well, it is pretty much a scavenger hunt with GPS devices that is held all over the country. All you have to do is go to the website, find the coordinates of the "cache" and then go searching. People hide little containers with random little trinkets in them. When you find it, you trade out the present with something of your own and leave it for the next person!
I really didn't think I would be too crazy about it. But, it really was so much fun! There are hundreds of them in Nacogdoches, and you can even make your own and hide them! We found two tonight, and as I write this Asa is out looking for three more. And tomorrow, we are going to hide one! It really was fun. It's a great family thing to do together!
Here we are searching the GPS for where to go. It was like 9 at night, but the cache was within walking distance, so we put MJ in the stroller and walked to it.

Marley was having fun until the very end. It was really hard to find our first one, so she got a little cranky and we walked away empty handed. When we got home, we looked it up on the internet again and decided to go look one more time. This time we took the car, and found it within a minute. It was a very clever hiding place and I can't believe how much effort people put into making these!
We were really excited about finding this one, so we went to another one nearby. This one was less exciting, but still fun. I see how people get addicted, though. It may not sound like a whole lot of fun, but it really was.
Asa just got back and informed me that he found two more, one of which had a Travel Bug. This is a little tag that is trying to travel from one place to another. So, this one was put out in 2007 and came from Connecticut! So, people just put it in the next cache they go to and send it on it's way! I can't wait to make our's tomorrow!
We have a Mody wrap that can go on my back, so that will make this a lot easier next time. No messing with the stroller!
This evening, my mom and Joel brought Emily back from camp! We missed her, but I don't really think she missed us too much. She was way more excited to see her friends. Then, my mom got us dinner from The BBQ House and brought it over to our house to eat with us! I can't even tell you how nice it was to have her over to our house for dinner. Granted, I didn't cook dinner or anything, but it was good to feel like she could come over. Marley was exhausted from not napping all afternoon, so I let her take a late nap.
And it's a good thing, because we had a fun night! We went geocaching! What's geocaching you say? Well, it is pretty much a scavenger hunt with GPS devices that is held all over the country. All you have to do is go to the website, find the coordinates of the "cache" and then go searching. People hide little containers with random little trinkets in them. When you find it, you trade out the present with something of your own and leave it for the next person!
I really didn't think I would be too crazy about it. But, it really was so much fun! There are hundreds of them in Nacogdoches, and you can even make your own and hide them! We found two tonight, and as I write this Asa is out looking for three more. And tomorrow, we are going to hide one! It really was fun. It's a great family thing to do together!
Asa just got back and informed me that he found two more, one of which had a Travel Bug. This is a little tag that is trying to travel from one place to another. So, this one was put out in 2007 and came from Connecticut! So, people just put it in the next cache they go to and send it on it's way! I can't wait to make our's tomorrow!
We have a Mody wrap that can go on my back, so that will make this a lot easier next time. No messing with the stroller!
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Little Seniorita
Welcome Home Party
On Wednesday, we went to my mom's for a welcome home party for a few of her friends. We had wonderful gumbo, and Marley served as great entertainment.
My mom's coworker, Wes, asked to hold Marley. She was in a weird mood, but we told him that if he took her outside to swing then she would be his best friend. Before he took her outside he said something hilarious, "She must be thinking, why does this guy have such a weird hue?"
Unfortunately, for the first time in her life, she did not want to swing. She was in a bad mood. Poor Wes.
It turned out all she wanted was to stuff her face with watermelon. I know this picture is blurry, but you can tell that her cheeks are stuffed with it. She just kept wanting more and shoving it in there. And then she just stored in like a little chipmunk.
We spent the rest of the time showing off her walking skills and inspecting the backyard.

Doesn't she look so big walking around the backyard?!
My mom's coworker, Wes, asked to hold Marley. She was in a weird mood, but we told him that if he took her outside to swing then she would be his best friend. Before he took her outside he said something hilarious, "She must be thinking, why does this guy have such a weird hue?"
It turned out all she wanted was to stuff her face with watermelon. I know this picture is blurry, but you can tell that her cheeks are stuffed with it. She just kept wanting more and shoving it in there. And then she just stored in like a little chipmunk.

My Mimi bought this little antique rocking chair for Marley a few months ago. It was in need of a fix-up, a fresh coat of paint. So, last week, Papa made it beautiful so that Marley could enjoy it.
She now has her own seat in the living room, and once it is cool enough outside, her own seat in on the back porch. She can even rock herself! It's adorable!
Yesterday was hard. Marley was sick. She got NINE vaccinations on Wednesday, so that was probably the problem. She was extremely tired and took three naps during the day! When she was awake, she was literally walking around whimpering. I felt so terrible for her. I could tell she was hot, but I couldn't find our thermometer. So, I just stripped her down to her diaper and pretty much held her all day. She nursed like 50 times and I could just tell by the way her eyes looked that she was feeling very sad.
In the afternoon, I went and bought a new thermometer. It was an ear thermometer that takes only one second to give you the temperature. It was 100.8. I had been giving her Tylenol all day, so I decided to wait and see if it got any higher.
We went to Asa's mom's house for dinner before Bonnie and the boys left. Marley wasn't in a good mood there, either. But she did say "dog" the best I have ever heard her. And she said it every five seconds while we were there.
When we took it again at home, it was 100.8, but I just gave her more Tylenol and she fell asleep quickly. By this morning, it was gone. But yesterday was just pitiful. I can't get that little constant whimper out of my head.
In the afternoon, I went and bought a new thermometer. It was an ear thermometer that takes only one second to give you the temperature. It was 100.8. I had been giving her Tylenol all day, so I decided to wait and see if it got any higher.
We went to Asa's mom's house for dinner before Bonnie and the boys left. Marley wasn't in a good mood there, either. But she did say "dog" the best I have ever heard her. And she said it every five seconds while we were there.
When we took it again at home, it was 100.8, but I just gave her more Tylenol and she fell asleep quickly. By this morning, it was gone. But yesterday was just pitiful. I can't get that little constant whimper out of my head.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
12 Month Well Baby
Today was Marley's 12 month doctor's appointment. She currently weighs in at 23 pounds and measures 32 inches long! I don't really know how accurate that weight is, because two weeks ago she was 21 pounds... but that's what the nurse said.
She had to get FOUR shots!! Poor little baby was very upset. When the nurse came in with the shots, she looked at Marley and said "Oh, I'm gonna have to get more people to help." So, she had people holding her down at every angle. That is so hard for a mother. You have to be in their face while they are having someone shoot them in the leg with a needle. Her cries broke my heart, but I came prepared for after the shots. I brought Smoothie King! She quickly forgot about the shots and downed a third of my Lemon Twist with Strawberry.
He said I could start giving her whole milk at lunch and dinner, but I honestly don't know if she needs it. She still nurses before she goes to sleep and then maybe at one random time during the day. She's pretty attached to that. I let her try some chocolate milk the other day and she LOVED it! But, I'll probably give her a little milk, just for something different. He also said that she is getting teeth and that is probably why she is holding her head (her new thing- puts a hand on each side of her head and squeezes her brains).
So, she's a healthy girl, vaccinated for 9 new things! That's a lot of stuff, but she seems to be doing fine. And by fine, I mean waking up every hour like she has been for the past four nights.
She had to get FOUR shots!! Poor little baby was very upset. When the nurse came in with the shots, she looked at Marley and said "Oh, I'm gonna have to get more people to help." So, she had people holding her down at every angle. That is so hard for a mother. You have to be in their face while they are having someone shoot them in the leg with a needle. Her cries broke my heart, but I came prepared for after the shots. I brought Smoothie King! She quickly forgot about the shots and downed a third of my Lemon Twist with Strawberry.
He said I could start giving her whole milk at lunch and dinner, but I honestly don't know if she needs it. She still nurses before she goes to sleep and then maybe at one random time during the day. She's pretty attached to that. I let her try some chocolate milk the other day and she LOVED it! But, I'll probably give her a little milk, just for something different. He also said that she is getting teeth and that is probably why she is holding her head (her new thing- puts a hand on each side of her head and squeezes her brains).
So, she's a healthy girl, vaccinated for 9 new things! That's a lot of stuff, but she seems to be doing fine. And by fine, I mean waking up every hour like she has been for the past four nights.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Bad Mommy
Marley got hurt on Monday. We just put a lamp in the living room next to the couch to add some softer lighting. Marley can climb onto the couch now, but I didn't think about the lamp. So, I was doing dishes around the corner in the kitchen when she bursts out screaming.
I knew what had happened because of where she was, but I couldn't figure out where she had gotten burned. I was looking all over her finger tips, and couldn't find anything. She cried and cried and I finally got her to go to sleep. But when she woke up, I figured out that she had burned the outside.
I feel really bad. It didn't show up until a few hours later. They popped today, so now they look all red and painful. She's got three blisters on her fingers and she's teething. She has just been a joy today!
I knew what had happened because of where she was, but I couldn't figure out where she had gotten burned. I was looking all over her finger tips, and couldn't find anything. She cried and cried and I finally got her to go to sleep. But when she woke up, I figured out that she had burned the outside.
Marley and I have a new way to communicate. She will actually come up to me and sign "milk" when she wants to nurse. I started doing sign language with her when she was 6 months old, but we quickly forgot about it. But about two weeks ago, I started doing the signs for water and milk and she picked up the "milk" one fast! I started doing it when I asked her if she wanted to nurse, and now she comes up to me and just does the sign! She even does it while I am nursing her, I guess because she's happy!
Visiting Grandma, Bonnie, and Cousins
Last night, we went to Asa's mom's house. Bonnie and the boys have come in for a visit, so we went to see them! Billy is 19 months old, and now that Marley can walk around after him, he is really interested in her. He kept bringing her toys and even if she wasn't done with the first one, he was bringing another.

She got a belated birthday present from Bonnie and the boys, and she was actually interested in opening this one!
She was pretty good at sharing her toys until it came to this piano.
She was happy sitting in the chair and pressing the buttons, but she got sick of it after a while. So, Billy came to take over. That didn't sit well with Marley, so she screamed and pushed him off until he got the message! She was a little toot! Poor Billy left and found something new, but Marley was getting pretty upset. There were even tears!

Asa, Donna, and Marley went outside to look at the pond. Asa got a few plants for our pond that he is constructing. Marley was really tired at this point, so it didn't last very long.
I really thought she would pass out on the way home, but as usual she perked up once we got home! She always does that!
Asa, Donna, and Marley went outside to look at the pond. Asa got a few plants for our pond that he is constructing. Marley was really tired at this point, so it didn't last very long.
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