Friday, August 21, 2009

Kiss Her Butt

This afternoon, Marley and I spent some time with Samantha and Zane. I didn't remember to bring my camera for some insane reason, so I don't have any pictures. But of course, we had fun. Zane is still not walking, but he blabbers so much! I am not used to hearing that since Marley is pretty quiet. I thought it was hilarious every time he started going! Marley wasn't making any noise at all until Zane had been quiet for a few minutes, but she is still so quiet compared to him. He likes to climb all over every toy he has, while Marley just cautiously plays with the little toys. He does have one bigger toy that she loves, but as soon as he wants it, she gets right off and gives it to him.

She was being really shy, but Zane was so interested in her. He was touching her legs, her head, her feet... but Marley was not interested. At one point, they were sitting next to each other and Zane leaned over and gave her a few kisses (this is where I kicked myself for not having my camera). She decided she was done and stood up, putting her butt in his face. I jokingly said, "She says 'Kiss my butt, Zane!'" And you know what that little boy did? He kissed her butt! Four times!! Samantha and I were practically rolling on the floor we were laughing so hard.

She eventually went over to him and gave him three or four kisses, so I think she likes him. He just has to be patient with her. She likes to play hard to get.

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