Friday, August 14, 2009


Yesterday was hard. Marley was sick. She got NINE vaccinations on Wednesday, so that was probably the problem. She was extremely tired and took three naps during the day! When she was awake, she was literally walking around whimpering. I felt so terrible for her. I could tell she was hot, but I couldn't find our thermometer. So, I just stripped her down to her diaper and pretty much held her all day. She nursed like 50 times and I could just tell by the way her eyes looked that she was feeling very sad.

In the afternoon, I went and bought a new thermometer. It was an ear thermometer that takes only one second to give you the temperature. It was 100.8. I had been giving her Tylenol all day, so I decided to wait and see if it got any higher.

We went to Asa's mom's house for dinner before Bonnie and the boys left. Marley wasn't in a good mood there, either. But she did say "dog" the best I have ever heard her. And she said it every five seconds while we were there.

When we took it again at home, it was 100.8, but I just gave her more Tylenol and she fell asleep quickly. By this morning, it was gone. But yesterday was just pitiful. I can't get that little constant whimper out of my head.

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