Sunday, August 30, 2009


There is no possible way for me to keep track and write about all the things that Marley learns every day. She learns several new things a day, and it is so amazing.

One of the main things that has been changing is the amount of things she understands. For example, when I say "We need to take your shoes off," she sits town on the floor and starts undoing them. Or when we tell her to give something to someone else, she gives it to them. She is getting really good at identifying things. When I ask her where a flower is or where her shoe is, she points right to it. I guess that's so amazing to me because the flowers are different every time, but she can still tell! For some reason, whenever Marley has gotten stinky I will say "Did you poop? Why'd you poop?!" But she has learned what it means, so now she puts her hands on her legs and bends down to look at her diaper. It always makes me laugh.

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