Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hiking, Here We Come!

Since Marley started being able to move around more and we have been geocaching, we have been looking for a backpack to carry Marley in. We really want to be able to go camping once it gets cooler, but we had to have a backpack to do it.

So, I spent hours the other day looking up backpacks on the internet and trying to figure out if we could afford one. There were some that were decent, and some that we excellent but way out of our price range. Like, this one for example. It's the cream of the crop. The one all the hip, outdoorsy parents have. But, obviously we can't afford it.

Then, today Asa took a bunch of donations to The Women's Shelter and guess what he found. The super expensive carrier, for NINE BUCKS! I'm not even kidding! It works, and has all the parts except for the cover. But, you know, she can wear a hat! I am so excited, I can't even believe it!
You can tell she loves it! When she wakes up from her nap, we are going to hike on the nature trail that goes through town!

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