Sunday, August 23, 2009


After we left the house on Sunday, we realized the camera battery was dead. I am still sad about this, because we missed some really cute moments.

The first thing we did was go to Marley's first birthday party. Our little friend, Ava was turned two! They had tons of other kids there, a sprinkler in the back yard, and a big swing set to play on. It was really interesting to see her with other kids. She was the youngest there, but she didn't seem to notice. She sat in the baby pool with other kids, she played in the sprinkler with other kids, and walked through the sand after them. She ate Cheetos, pizza, ice cream, and cake. After I let her try her first Cheeto, she would walk up to other kids with Cheetos and beg for their Cheetos! It was so cute!

By the time the party was over, my Mimi had gotten in to town and we went over to visit with her. She had tons of food there, so Marley pretty much snacked for 2 hours. she had all kinds of fancy cheese and crackers, grapes, desserts, and anything else we could find. She wallowed all over Mimi and of course, got to tour the backyard many times.

But, I learned my lesson about all the sugar. She was going super speed until 10 o'clock at night. She was laughing, running down the hallway, rolling around on the floor, and falling all over us. But as fast as it had started, it ended. She was laughing one seconds, and passed out asleep the next.

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