See that smile? haha, Marley was planning her mission for the next three hours and it did not involve any smiles.
So, we set off again with screaming. We literally pulled out of the Livestock show parking lot and her screams were so loud that I was sure something was really wrong with her. We pull into the next drive way and I take her out of her car seat. She stops crying. Put her back in. Cry. Drive 30 miles. Get out and walk around Woody's. She is happy for 10 minutes. Cry then sleep. It was pretty much like that the whole way. Except, I am making it sound like she was just crying. Oh no. She was screaming. It broke my heart every minute. We threatened to "just take her out!" while we were driving, but it seemed that as soon as we said that she would fall asleep. So, we finally got to Mimi's house after 6 and a half hours (the trip is supposed to take 4). I threatened to move to Austin that day so that we never had to drive anywhere again.
Once we were there we all had a blast. Marley got to hang out with lots of family members and have plenty of people to listen to her every coo and laugh about every move she made. She loved Jack and I was really glad that AJ and Uncle Andy got to meet her finally. They all told us how beautiful she was and what a great baby she was. I also heard many stories about how I was not as good of a baby as Marley is. Thanks.
My Mimi is like the master at putting Marley to sleep. Marley feels so relaxed with her that she just passes out. With us, she needs to be swaddled, walked, bounced, sucking on a paci, and sung to. Mimi literally just sits down and holds her and she's out. Without a paci! I was so jealous, so I made mental notes of how she did it. Marley barely cried while we were there. It's not like she cries all the time here, but she really barely did it at Mimi's. She was so happy!
Thanksgiving morning was a big morning for Marley because she became partially mobile! Marley rolled from her back to stomach! We had several witnesses, but no video of it. She did it like five times, but has not felt like doing it since. This morning she went from stomach to back! Now, we just need her to remember how to do both of them in a row! She'll get there soon enough though.
Mimi and my mom also bought Marley some super cute clothes. Carter's and Oshkosh were having a big sale, so we went wild! We bought a cute outfit for our Christmas card. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for us to do that tomorrow.
We decided to really wait until night time last night to leave. Before we put her in the car seat she was sound asleep. As soon as we lowered her into it, she was awake. But, she was a perfect angel the whole way home. She was awake for about an hour at the beginning and the passes out until we got home at 1:30 am. It actually took the regular 4 hours to get home.
I have also successfully put Marley to sleep three times without the pacifier today! I feel like Supermom!!!!!!!!