Friday, November 14, 2008

The Time Of My Life

This is really the best time of my life. I am so blessed with a wonderful family with Asa and Marley and a wonderful family of my mom, Joel, Chris, and Emily. And Asa's family is also wonderful. How could I be more happy?! I know that things with Marley will only get more fun, but I could be happy if it just stayed the way it is right now. She is an amazing little person and I can't wait to see where things will go!

I guess I am considered an "attached parent". I am a breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping (half the night), responsive parent. I get SO mad when people tell me that I am spoiling my baby by wanting to hold her or responding to her first cries. Don't tell me that she just needs to cry for a little while and then she will be okay. If I can help her right now, I will! I will not be able to let her "cry it out"... I don't know how some mothers do. I really just think you do what works for you. I want to be a mother that does these things, so no one should be able to tell me otherwise. I just have to listen to what they say, nod, and forget about it. Everyone is going to have an opinion at some point. I will not get everything right, but I will always love her no matter what. And if I want to change something for my next little bundle, I will.

I have pretty much given up on trying to ditch the pacifier fir right now. I will try again in a few weeks, but she really acts like she needs it right now. I am very lucky that she only wants it for going to sleep right now. She doesn't want it when she's playing or once she gets to sleep... just while she's on her way.

I have been getting really excited about Christmas! Not only will this be Marley's first holiday season, but our first as a family together. I want to get her presents and we will take lots of pictures of course. It is my birthday tomorrow and Asa's was the 11th. I will be 21. I have never liked an alcohol I have tasted, so its not like I am heartbroken that I won't have any. Breastfeeding Marley is WAY more important to me. Did you know that for the first year of life you can save about $3000 if you breastfeed?! Seems like incentive enough.

Marley is a little angel lately. She coos and laughs all the time and just figured out her hands a little bit. She has just started to blow little raspberries with her mouth. She makes a "buh" sounds and purses her lips while spit pours out of her mouth. It is the cutest thing even though there is spit all over her. We are trying to get her to say "boob". That would be a fun first word! She will spend the entire day with her hands together in front of her chest. She just rolls them around and feels on her fingers and then sucks on the when they get close to her mouth. It is the cutest thing! I am worried that she is behind physically compared to other babies. Than I have to remember not to compare. It really doesn't matter how fast or slow she is at learning something, because she WILL get there, no matter what. I hope by Christmas she can at least grab some things though... that would be fun.

Marley hates tummy-time.
Marley's new best friend! She will sit there forever looking at herself and at her feet!
Working out! Building up those neck muscles!
I really feel like Marley knows how much I love her. When other people are holding her, she stares right at me. She loves me... even if she can't tell me yet!

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