Friday, November 7, 2008

3 Month Birthday

Marley has been "talking" a whole lot today! She actually "sang" with me too! I am excited because I can actually interact with her. She is also laughing more easily. She used to only laugh when we did something really silly, but now she is so happy all the time. She also slept 10 hours straight last night!! She can hold her head up really well by now and has really been figuring out her hands. She grabs Asa's hair all the time and always manage to find her fingers to suck on. The other day she reached up and touched my face! She looked like she completely meant to do it. I was so proud of her... she's growing up so fast!
Today Marley is three months old. It feels like I just had her last week though. I was looking at pictures of me when I was pregnant the other day thinking about how weird it is that I know now who was in there the whole time. I am definitely loving this part of being a mother. I hope that one day Marley can read all this and realize how fascinated I am with her and how much I love her. It is hard to even explain how much I adore her. Even when she toots and stinks up the whole room, she is adorable. I love being with her everyday. I love being the person she wants. And I love seeing her smile at me. Right now is the best time we have had. I know she sees me and loves me! I loved when she was a newborn, but right now is so much fun! I can't wait for what comes next!

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