Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Marley is practicing her streamline for when she is on swim team in a few years. Her arms are too short to rise above her head though. At least she's trying!

The bluest eyes I've ever seen!

This is literally the ONLY way I could get her to stop crying - T.V. I will hold strong next time and not let her do it because I don't want her to until she is 2. But at least she was happy. She loves House and Dancing with the Stars.

Marley and her Mimi on my birthday. She loves her Mimi, too.

All tuckered out from all the excitement of the day.
The past few days have been pretty uneventful. Wednesday nights I have yoga at 6:30 at the school. So, I feed Marley around 5:30 and then try to get out the door on time for my weekly break from life. Well, last night we colored mandalas. This is circular art that monks and other yoga people do for relaxation. Let me just say, coloring is the best. If you are stressed out and tired of being busy all the time: sit down and color something. You have to be away from distractions, but it is a great stress reliever. I felt like a much better mommy when I got home with a clear head. So, go ahead and try it!
Marley is actually grabbing things now. Less than a week ago she starting swatting at things and now here she is grabbing them and trying to bring them to her mouth! Life is happening so fast! She loves to be on her activity mat now that she can actually do things.
I found a cool website. But you have to live in a big city for it to be useful. It's a place where parents can sell things they are not using anymore to people who don't mind buying them. Everything looks like it is in good shape. I might try to buy a high chair (since I need three!) from here so it will be less expensive.

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