Monday, November 10, 2008

Sleeping through the night

Marley slept again for 10 hours last night! It was 5:00 when I finally woke her up, because I couldn't even sleep since my boobs were so full!! Then she went back to sleep until 8:00. I am so glad she can make it that long. She seems so little still, so I don't know how she does it, but she does!

Yesterday, Asa and I went to target to do some Christmas shopping. Marley was really good, even though she didn't really get a good nap in. Anyway, this woman in Target walked up and asked me if she was a preemie! She didn't even ask me how old she was or anything. I was upset because people keep making comments like that. She is just petite, not unhealthy! I got a little annoyed and defensive, so I just said something and walked away.

She has all the sudden started to happy most of the day. She cries MUCH less than she used to and wants to smile and talk all the time. Asa went camping Friday night and came back on Saturday. He said she was totally different than when he left, and that she was so much more fun. She was fun before, but she actually responds now! And he actually wants to play with her now since she will laugh at him so much.

I am starting to really wish that I could find a job where I can work from home. Not for right now, but when I have future children. Maybe by then I will be able to afford to have someone take care of my kids at home. I just keep thinking about day cares and they bug me. I want my kids to spend time with someone that cares about them. Anyone have any ideas for jobs I can do from home?

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