It feels like a ton of things have changes in the past few days. Here are the ones I can think of:
Hitting- She loves slapping the table, slapping my shoulder, slapping her legs. She also loves to bang her sippy cup on everything. It's pretty cute right now that she thinks it's so fun!
"Where's Mommy?"- I was laying in bed with her this morning and covering up my face with the blanket and saying "Where's Mommy?" She actually knew to pull the blanket off! She pulled it up at first and stuck her little head under. It was ADORABLE! Then, she figured out how to pull the whole blanket off and find Mommy! Something that goes along with this is the fact that she has learned to move things out of her way when she is trying to get to something. She pushes toys out of the way when she is trying to crawl across the floor.
On and Off- She loves loves loves to pull people's glasses and hats off! It takes everybody by surprise, but today she started trying to put them back on! Today, I was putting her hat on her, she was pulling it off, then we were doing it all over again. She started trying to put it on my head!
Giraffe Toy- She has a little giraffe toy, where she is supposed to put balls in it's mouth and they roll down and play music. She has caught on to where the ball is supposed to go, and actually tries to do it!
Talking Directly to Us- Instead of blabbering away to herself, she talks to me! She looks right at me and "talks" with such purpose. she looks like she's saying "Pay attention, I'm talking!"
Cruising- She can "cruise" along the couch! She takes little baby steps!
Things are happening so fast! She learns so much everyday, and I can't help but be impressed!