Saturday, April 18, 2009


Marley has been really fussy for the past two days. Like wanting to be held 24/7 and whining everytime she isn't. We checked, but we couldn't see any teeth. She has been going to sleep at the normal time, but she wakes up every 15 minutes. Then, during the day she has been taking more naps and sometimes only stays awake for an hour and a half. I try to keep her awake because she might sleep better at night, but I can't. She gets so sad looking, won't smile for anything, and her eyes are all red. She wants to go to sleep so bad, so I let her. I don't know if it's teething, and ear infection, low iron, just being needy, or what...

So, tonight we took her temperature and it was 101. Marley's never had a fever before when I checked it, so I didn't know what to do. But it was so cute, Asa went and got his "Everything Guide to Father's First Year" and looked it up. That book has been collecting dust on the bookshelf since we found out we were pregnant. And now he finally uses it! Only four more months until it's unusable...

So, we gave her some Tylenol, stripped her down, and gave her a little water. She is finally asleep now, and has been for about 30 minutes. I don't know why my little girl isn't feeling well, but I wish I knew how to fix it! She's so sad. I just want to hug her little body and kiss her little cheeks.

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