Thursday, April 16, 2009

Eli Comes Over

Last night, we babysat Eli, our neighbor. First off, I have decided that they are not meant to be girlfriend and boyfriend. They are just too different.

He came over around 6:45 and since it was still light outside, we decided to go on a walk around Windhill. We went around every building, through the nature trail, and stopped at the dog park to visit with Bobby for a little while.

When we got home, we tried to get them to play together. Unfortunately, Eli is in the NO SHARING stage, so every toy Marley reached for, Eli took away. We told him that she was playing with it and he needed to give it back to her. That didn't really work though. He actually voluntarily sat next to her for this picture! I think she thought it was really interesting having someone else in the house though. She would crawl around after him while he switched between toys.

It was actually way easier that I thought. We can always hear him screaming at the top of his lungs from their house, but there was none of that at ours. He did most things we asked and didn't throw any fits.

I still don't want to have kids this close together though...

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