Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marley's New Toy Chest

A few months ago, Asa told me that he wanted to make Marley a toy box. I thought "psh... like that will ever actually happen..."

Well, today Asa proved me wrong! He looked up how he wanted to do it, we went to Lowe's, bought the stuff, and he made it. We made a few mistakes, but I think it turned out really, really well. We chose not to have a lid on it for safety reasons, but maybe in a few years he can add one.

I am really proud! It's not perfect and I think it frustrates him that there are mistakes, but I think it's great. It was made with a lot of love and that's all that matters!

In other news, I still haven't decided what's wrong with Marley. We called the doctor this morning and I told her that I thought Marley has an ear infection. She called in a prescription for her ears. I gave it to her and then I noticed she was chewing on her fists constantly. When I tried to feed her, she wouldn't suck at all without crying. I pried her mouth open, but I couldn't see any teeth. I gave her some teething tablets anyway, and it actually worked at making her stop crying. So, maybe she is getting teeth and her fever was related to that. I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor in the morning though, to find out for sure.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Way to go, Asa! It's super cute, and I think it's perfect!

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