Today, our fancy-pants camera freaked out on me and will no longer take pictures. I can't even explain how pissed I am about this. And of course I couldn't send it in today, because evidently this business closes at 4:00 in the afternoon. It came with a one year warranty, so I am putting that into action first thing in the morning. If my camera had died forever, I would have cried real tears for a long stinkin' time. I love that thing.
But, here are some recent pictures from before the death of the camera.

Please ignore me in the background of this picture. I tmigh tbe the most unflattering picture of me ever. Ju concentrate on Marley and how tall she is these days... She's growing so fast. It breaks my heart.

I love this little girl.
Cross your fingers that my camera will live again. It makes me sad just thinking about it being gone for a few weeks.
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