Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Emily! a few days late...
Kima Leaves Marley in Her Babylegs
A New Home
Tonight is our first night living at my mom and Joel's house. We have spent the past week moving things, packing things, and throwing TONS of things away. We have manage to completely fill our storage room, with just enough room left for our bed. We still have all the little things to pack and move, which is the worst part. My mom and Joel are gone to Dallas for the weekend, so we are just staying with Emily right now.
I was worried that Marley was going to feel weird staying here, but she's really not. We had dinner together, played around with Pompey, and had a dance party while we organized our room. Asa played music on his computer while Marley and I danced around the room. It is co cute how much that girl loves to dance! She isn't a big fan of the bath tub here, so we have to get a mat to go in the bottom of it.

I am starting to stress about if we are doing the right thing. On Wednesday, The Forest Service called because they were interested in giving Asa a job. So, his dream job that he has been trying to get, finally calls a week after he signs his papers with The Army. He could have still backed out, but he said that he likes the plan we have. We do not always get supportive comments from people. At first it didn't bother me, but I am starting to wonder if we are doing the right thing. There are so many things to consider when you are making such big changes like this. There are good parts, bad parts, and parts that you don't know if they are good or bad. But, I need to remember the whole reason we are doing it: to make our lives better. I don't want it to seem like I don't care about how the next few years of Marley's life will be. Of course, I will be worried about how she is doing and if she is happy. I don't want her to miss out on seeing her family, and that is probably the most upsetting part for me. I don't want her to not know her family. So, will we all be okay? I really really hope so, but I really really don't know.
I was worried that Marley was going to feel weird staying here, but she's really not. We had dinner together, played around with Pompey, and had a dance party while we organized our room. Asa played music on his computer while Marley and I danced around the room. It is co cute how much that girl loves to dance! She isn't a big fan of the bath tub here, so we have to get a mat to go in the bottom of it.
I am starting to stress about if we are doing the right thing. On Wednesday, The Forest Service called because they were interested in giving Asa a job. So, his dream job that he has been trying to get, finally calls a week after he signs his papers with The Army. He could have still backed out, but he said that he likes the plan we have. We do not always get supportive comments from people. At first it didn't bother me, but I am starting to wonder if we are doing the right thing. There are so many things to consider when you are making such big changes like this. There are good parts, bad parts, and parts that you don't know if they are good or bad. But, I need to remember the whole reason we are doing it: to make our lives better. I don't want it to seem like I don't care about how the next few years of Marley's life will be. Of course, I will be worried about how she is doing and if she is happy. I don't want her to miss out on seeing her family, and that is probably the most upsetting part for me. I don't want her to not know her family. So, will we all be okay? I really really hope so, but I really really don't know.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday Sales and Sundaes
But the morning was not lost, because Marley had a blast hanging out in the garage with us, exploring everything, mopping the floor, and pulling away all the clothes we were trying to sell!
What She Wants
Tonight, when Marley got tired she came up to me and did the sign for "book". So, I sat her in my lap and read her her favorite book. When the book was over, she looked at me and did the sign for "all done". I took that as she was "done" with the day and took her to bed. When we got in bed she did the sign for "milk" and then nursed herself to sleep. It has to be so satisfying to be able to tell someone exactly what you want to do. And on my end, it is so satisfying to be able to give her exactly what she wants.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Garage Sale Day One and A Trip to Lufkin
We didn't manage to get rid of the two biggest things: the entertainment center and Knaack toolbox. But, since most of the little things were gone, I was happy. We can sell the other things on Craig's List or something.
In the meantime, Marley went to watch Aunt Emily swim and had her first busted lip. Evidently her pants are too tight ad she couldn't move very well. I know, bad Mommy for putting them on her. It was only her second time to ever wear them! And I feel guilty about that and about the fact that I wasn't there to comfort her when she was hurting. But she is okay now and you can't even tell there was anything wrong with her.
We were done by 1:00 pm. First of all because I missed my baby, and secondly because business was slowing down. So, to celebrate our great successes, I wanted to go to Lufkin and eat at Olive Garden and buy ourselves a present! We got all cleaned up and dressed up, but that didn't last long!
When we got to Old Navy, I told Asa he should look at the khaki pants and see if they had anything he would like to wear for the wedding. Now, I have had in my mind for a while what I hoped he would wear. But what we both have in mind for other outfits never really matches, so I didn't figure this would either. However, not only did we pick out the exact same outfit for him as our dream clothing, but it was also 75% off! I felt a little weird at first because it feels like what you get married in should be nice and expensive... but that feeling didn't last long when I saw how handsome he looked in it! It is like the perfect outfit for getting married on the beach or in a backyard! I love it and so does he! The hard part was having to convince him that he couldn't wear it until he got married in it. So, we had to buy him another pair of pants and a few shirts that were a different color! But, at least we both win!!
We were totally exhausted and were both passed out by 9:30! That's super early for me! I am getting really excited about the wedding! Five more weeks!
The Sitting Master
Marley has been loving to sit on any little surface she can get her butt on to. She loves our fireplace, but she's not picky! She will sit on the curb if that's all she has! The funniest part is that she will get about a foot away from whatever she is trying to sit on and then scoot her butt back until she reaches it. And then she doesn't even sit on it for long. She gets up walks around the room or twirls in a circle and then does it all over again! It's hilarious to watch how much fun she has just sitting herself down! It's like she thinks she can do the world's coolest trick!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Garage Sale Prep
Tomorrow, we are having our big garage sale! So, we had to get ready for everything tonight. We started with a little picnic out in front of the house. It is getting so cool here, and it was so nice to be outside without worrying about sweating or mosquitoes.
Wiping Things Down
Marley loves to wipe things down these days. If she gets a hold of a paper towel, wipe, or rag she cleans everything with it. She wipes her hands, her feet, her hair, the floor, Kima, any surfaces she can reach, and my legs. She is so helpful!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Potty
Marley has peed in the potty three times. I know, this is a little early for potty training, but I am more so doing it to get her used to it. And I have gotten lucky, that she has peed every time I put her on! I did it the first time when we woke up one morning. She doesn't pee during the night and I could tell she hadn't done it yet that morning. So, I took her diaper off and held her on the toilet. She immediately peed, laughing pretty hard about it. And then the past two nights I have put her on before her bath and she pees within 10 seconds!
I'm pretty impressed, and I think I am going to keep doing it. It can't hurt to practice and it saves two diapers a day! They have a new thing that is getting popular called Elimination Communication which is pretty much teaching your baby to go in the toilet from birth. We are definitely not that talented yet, but maybe this will make it easier once it's time to do it for real!
I'm pretty impressed, and I think I am going to keep doing it. It can't hurt to practice and it saves two diapers a day! They have a new thing that is getting popular called Elimination Communication which is pretty much teaching your baby to go in the toilet from birth. We are definitely not that talented yet, but maybe this will make it easier once it's time to do it for real!
G&G Visit
This past weekend, Grandpa David and Grandma Karen came to visit for Emily's birthday next week. Marley finally got used to them, especially when they took her outside. That's pretty much how we get her to like anyone. As soon as they take her in the backyard, she is all smiles.

Ok, so Marley is naked in this picture because she had her first real throw-up experience. We had just finished breakfast and she was sitting on Emily's lap. No one really knows what happened, but all the sudden there was throw-up everywhere, and Emily was screaming. I scooped Marley up and gave her a bath, but she was really upset. I guess she couldn't figure out why we were all rushing around and she got scared. I have no idea why she threw up, but she seemed fine the rest of the day.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Calendar
We are officially an Army Family. Asa signed his papers today, and we are so excited. That means that everything is going to start happening at a hundred miles per hour. Here is a rough schedule in case you are interested.
9/19-20: Garage sale. We are selling EVERYTHING that we aren't really attached to. Furniture, clothes, books, fish, snake, everything. I figure there is no point in paying to store it while Asa is gone and then have to move it and then decide we want to buy something we like better anyway.
9/30: By this date, we have to have all of our stuff moved into storage and the three of us moved into my mom and Joel's house. This is a month before we had planned, but this is the only way we can do it to where Asa doesn't have to work anymore. We can spend a lot of time together and get all the rest of the stuff done that way.
10/24: Our wedding! We are getting married in my mom and Joel's backyard. I have started planning, I'm sending out invitations this week, and hopefully it will be beautiful.
10/29-11/2: Honeymoon at Beaver's Bend!
11/11: Asa's birthday
11/14: Joint birthday party and going away party
11/15: My birthday
11/18: Asa leaves
So, that doesn't seem so busy written that way, but imagining all of the little things that need to be done so that those things can happen is overwhelming.
My feelings range from relief, to pride, to excitement, to content, to anxious. Asa said that today was a rough day, going to the Military Entrance Processing Station to pass the physical and get sworn in. I know Marley doesn't know what's happening yet, but I hope she will be happy. She will miss our families, but I will try my absolute hardest to keep her busy and having fun. Living with my mom and Joel will be much easier than trying to live by myself while Asa is gone. Having someone to help if I need to do something for myself (like take a shower!) will be fantastic. And Marley adores Emily. Emily said we will have lots of GTT. Girl Talk Time, for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, like myself.
9/19-20: Garage sale. We are selling EVERYTHING that we aren't really attached to. Furniture, clothes, books, fish, snake, everything. I figure there is no point in paying to store it while Asa is gone and then have to move it and then decide we want to buy something we like better anyway.
9/30: By this date, we have to have all of our stuff moved into storage and the three of us moved into my mom and Joel's house. This is a month before we had planned, but this is the only way we can do it to where Asa doesn't have to work anymore. We can spend a lot of time together and get all the rest of the stuff done that way.
10/24: Our wedding! We are getting married in my mom and Joel's backyard. I have started planning, I'm sending out invitations this week, and hopefully it will be beautiful.
10/29-11/2: Honeymoon at Beaver's Bend!
11/11: Asa's birthday
11/14: Joint birthday party and going away party
11/15: My birthday
11/18: Asa leaves
So, that doesn't seem so busy written that way, but imagining all of the little things that need to be done so that those things can happen is overwhelming.
My feelings range from relief, to pride, to excitement, to content, to anxious. Asa said that today was a rough day, going to the Military Entrance Processing Station to pass the physical and get sworn in. I know Marley doesn't know what's happening yet, but I hope she will be happy. She will miss our families, but I will try my absolute hardest to keep her busy and having fun. Living with my mom and Joel will be much easier than trying to live by myself while Asa is gone. Having someone to help if I need to do something for myself (like take a shower!) will be fantastic. And Marley adores Emily. Emily said we will have lots of GTT. Girl Talk Time, for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, like myself.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday afternoon, we all went to the park in our neighborhood and let Marley run around for a little while. She wore her crocs for the first time and cute little girl jeans. She looked so grown up. I know I say every time she has one a new outfit, but it's true!

She has started screaming and yelling when we make her come inside or leave something she likes. If we close the door before she can escape or when we were leaving the park, she gets so mad. I can't help but laugh, just because it's cute, but at the same time I'm thinking "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS!"
The First of Many Big Days
Yesterday was a big day. Instead of having to wait until the 15th to reserve a job, Asa got to to do it yesterday! They did not have any firefighter positions available, which made us pretty sad. They did not have any of the jobs on Asa's list of possibilities, as a matter of fact. But, luckily his ASVAB scores qualified him for every single job they have, so he had a few options. The two that sounded somewhat interesting were Combat Engineer and a Secret Intelligence job. The Intelliegence job sounded really cool. Asa would get to learn a new laguage, and interpret emails, phone calls, etc. He would get a $20,000 sign-on bonus and have a high security clearance. On the downside, he would be stuck in an office with no windows, just listening. And I think we all know that that doesn't sound like Asa. So, he chose Combat Engineer, with no bonus. The money part is disappointing, but I really think we chose the right thing. He will happier with this job, and it translates into more jobs when he gets out.
So, a Combat Engineer is pretty much the support for the people doing the combat and they help then get to where they need to be. He will be building bridges, tearing down bridges, clearing land, driving big trucks and machinery, handling explosives, and in their words "blowing shit up". That totally sounds more up his alley. So, he leaves November 18th, for boot camp and AIT in Missouri. He will get two weeks off for Christmas, so we will get a little bonus visit that most people don't get if they go to training at a different time of year.
On Monday or Tuesday he goes to have his physical done and meet with a guidance counselor. At that point, they can check one more time to see if they have any opening available in the job he wants. If they do, he can switch. If not, he wants to continue with this one. I really don't want him to feel like he is settling because we are in a hurry for this to happen. But he says he is not and he is excited about this job. We have not gotten really great responses from the people we tell, probably because it has the word "combat" at the beginning. My mom and Joel are supportive, but it seems that everyone else is like "oh..." But I totally support him. If he wants to do a job that starts with "combat" then he should. He will have a gun and he will be with the infantry people, but he is more so there to support and help them.
So, he has been rushing around all day filling out papers and getting things in order. Meanwhile, my to-do list is also getting longer and longer. I honestly don't know how we will get it all done, even with 10 weeks before he leaves. It's so hard to decide what we want to do with everything. My mom has offered to let me live with them while Asa is in training. So, I am excited about that. But then what do I do with our stuff? Should we pay to store everything? Or get rid of the things I don't really want anyway and buy new stuff when we get to where we are going? And where will Kima stay while I live at my mom's? And when should we get rid of Asa's car, since we are buying him a new one once we get settled somewhere? I know he won't need it during boot camp, but in between that and getting stationed somewhere, he might. And when should we get married? And will we be able to afford to go on a family vacation before he leaves? My mind is going to burst.
Any advice, anyone? I'm so excited, yet so overwhelmed.
So, a Combat Engineer is pretty much the support for the people doing the combat and they help then get to where they need to be. He will be building bridges, tearing down bridges, clearing land, driving big trucks and machinery, handling explosives, and in their words "blowing shit up". That totally sounds more up his alley. So, he leaves November 18th, for boot camp and AIT in Missouri. He will get two weeks off for Christmas, so we will get a little bonus visit that most people don't get if they go to training at a different time of year.
On Monday or Tuesday he goes to have his physical done and meet with a guidance counselor. At that point, they can check one more time to see if they have any opening available in the job he wants. If they do, he can switch. If not, he wants to continue with this one. I really don't want him to feel like he is settling because we are in a hurry for this to happen. But he says he is not and he is excited about this job. We have not gotten really great responses from the people we tell, probably because it has the word "combat" at the beginning. My mom and Joel are supportive, but it seems that everyone else is like "oh..." But I totally support him. If he wants to do a job that starts with "combat" then he should. He will have a gun and he will be with the infantry people, but he is more so there to support and help them.
So, he has been rushing around all day filling out papers and getting things in order. Meanwhile, my to-do list is also getting longer and longer. I honestly don't know how we will get it all done, even with 10 weeks before he leaves. It's so hard to decide what we want to do with everything. My mom has offered to let me live with them while Asa is in training. So, I am excited about that. But then what do I do with our stuff? Should we pay to store everything? Or get rid of the things I don't really want anyway and buy new stuff when we get to where we are going? And where will Kima stay while I live at my mom's? And when should we get rid of Asa's car, since we are buying him a new one once we get settled somewhere? I know he won't need it during boot camp, but in between that and getting stationed somewhere, he might. And when should we get married? And will we be able to afford to go on a family vacation before he leaves? My mind is going to burst.
Any advice, anyone? I'm so excited, yet so overwhelmed.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Recent Pictures and Such
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
13 Months
Plan a wedding
Find a dress
Have a wedding
Take a little vacation
Figure out where I am going to live and move me there
Get a storage room
Get ALL the paperwork done that we need to get done (which is a ton)
Asa wants to go fishing with Joel
Get Asa all the stuff he needs
Finish all the projects we have started on the house to that we get our deposit back
And I'm sure many, many more things that we don't even know about yet. Oh, and in the middle of all that I have school. So, it will be stressful, exciting, and scary, all at the same time! Asa talked today about starting his own blog through the Army process, so maybe we have that to look forward to, also!
In Marley news, she is getting to be a genius. She is the next Einstein. She understand so many things. I will tell her to go get her shoes and she will walk all the way in her room and get them! She also says "cup" when she wants her cup. How amazing is that?! She loves to talk when we are at home, but when she is feeling shy, she just stares at you with a blank face. On the other hand, she has been waving at a lot of strangers when she is running errands with us. She had been staying with my mom and Joel while I have class and she is definitely having fun with that. She gets to be a little spoiled and doted on while she is with them. I mean, they don't even make her take naps by herself and she gets to have pancakes for breakfast! That's a good life! And she is always so excited to see me when they pick me up from school. But, she also starts crying when she sees that my mom is leaving her. She sure loves her Mimi and Papa.
She has also started screaming when someone closes the door in front of her and she can't go outside. It was cute that she wanted to go outside the first few times, but now it makes my head hurt. She screams so loud! I also think she is getting sick today. Her nose has been running non-stop and she has been sneezing every five minutes. It could be allergies, but who knows. I guess we wait it out.
I am having so much fun with all the new things she learns every day. I couldn't be more proud that she is mine and that I get to be one of the people who has such a big influence on her life. It really is a privilege and I love her more than anything.
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