Marley took two steps on Saturday. Asa and I were helping her practice across the living room and she actually did it! Now, I don't think that walking across the room is going to happen in the next few days, it might have been an accident. But, at least I know she's strong enough! Now she just needs to figure that out.
She has been sooo fussy lately. I can't see any teeth, so I have no idea what else is wrong. It is so frustrating to just hear her whining in my ear all day. And when I try to put her to sleep, she fights me so hard. It used to be easy: within 10 minutes she was asleep with no fighting. Now she is making it a hundred times harder. Tonight, i got really frustrated. I felt guilty for feeling that way, but I have to clue what to do with her. I hate hearing her cry and seeing her tears, but I can't figure out what's wrong with her. I finally got her to sleep, but can't help but feel like a bad mom. I got so impatient with her, but at the same time I just wanted to hug her until she stopped. It's just kind of this inner battle with the two sides of my brain. Of course, the hug it put side always wins, though. Thank goodness she eventually calmed down enough to fall asleep.
We are still on the desperate hunt for a house. Tonight we went and looked at two houses. They were owned by the same lady and both residents were in the process of moving out. Let me just say, they looked good from the outside but once we got inside we realized that these people were disgusting. I am not the most obsessive person in the world when it comes to cleaning, but I can't even imagine how these people lived like that. There was literally dog pee puddles and poop piles in every room. So, needless to say, those were a BIG FAT NO. I could tell that the landlord was unbelievably pissed. I think there was smoke coming out of her ears when she stepped in the pile of poop in the dining room. Poor lady has a lot of work to do...
I really hope we find something soon. I really want out of here.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Marley got to swim for the first time today! I was really surprised by how much she loved it! I think the pictures say it all! She hung out by herself for a while, and then Eli came out to swim with her. They had a lot of fun together, and I am so excited to have something to do with her during the day! She still hasn't been in a real pool, just this little one and the water mat at my mom's (which we need to go try again, by the way). 

Daddy Daughter Time
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our First Date
Asa and I went on our first real date in 10 and a half months today. He told me about a month ago that when Transformers 2 came out, we were going to see it. So, I asked my mom at the time, not knowing exactly when we would be going. It turned out that she had a field trip this weekend and could not watch Marley. So, we asked Asa's mom to watch her. She has never kept Marley before. I wasn't really worried about how Donna would do with Marley, I was worried about how Marley would do with someone new.
The movie was really good. We had fun being alone and listening to things other than Marley crying in the back seat of the car. But, I have to admit that I was thinking about Marley the whole time. When we got out of the movie, I really missed her. I had that excited, nervous feeling in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. Is that crazy?! I was nervous to see her, I missed her so much.
When we arrived home, she was happy, full, and clean. She had a great time with Asa's mom and I was so relieved. She even got her to sleep! I definitely think we should do it more often. I love her more than anything, but everyone needs a little break once in a while. And it was super sweet to come home and see her face and receive her hug.
* I just want to add that there were two small babies in the theater watching this two and a half hour movie. Not only was it extremely loud and bad for those poor babies' ears, but it was also boring. One of them was crying the whole time and her mom finally took her out when there was only like 10 minutes left. I felt so sorry for those babies...
The movie was really good. We had fun being alone and listening to things other than Marley crying in the back seat of the car. But, I have to admit that I was thinking about Marley the whole time. When we got out of the movie, I really missed her. I had that excited, nervous feeling in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. Is that crazy?! I was nervous to see her, I missed her so much.
When we arrived home, she was happy, full, and clean. She had a great time with Asa's mom and I was so relieved. She even got her to sleep! I definitely think we should do it more often. I love her more than anything, but everyone needs a little break once in a while. And it was super sweet to come home and see her face and receive her hug.
* I just want to add that there were two small babies in the theater watching this two and a half hour movie. Not only was it extremely loud and bad for those poor babies' ears, but it was also boring. One of them was crying the whole time and her mom finally took her out when there was only like 10 minutes left. I felt so sorry for those babies...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Strawberry Pancakes
This morning, I put on my Martha Stewart hat and cooked Marley some homemade strawberry pancakes. I really didn't think it was going to be hard, but I had never made any sort of pancakes before. So, I sucked at flipping them. They turned out looking more like scrambled pancakes.
There were a few pretty ones, so I gave those to Marley. I felt like she should get the best looking ones and maybe she would be more interested.
Unfortunately, she was not a fan. But, I ate some. They were pretty damn good!

Trip to Austin
Last weekend, my mom and I took Marley to visit my Mimi and Papa Gene! The last time she went to Austin, she was three months old, and it didn't go so well. This time she was much better. Besides having to sit in the back seat and getting car sick, it was a success. Marley slept, laughed, sang, and whined a little all the way there.
Luckily, once we got there, Mimi was ready to occupy her! Marley and Mimi toured the backyard and the golf course, played all over the back porch, and picked and admired flowers.

Then, Mimi found this little garden wagon and pulled Marley around in it! We are going to have to get a wagon, because she loved it! She actually leaned back and put her hands on each side, relaxing while Mimi toted her around. She was The Princess.

She also did the routine with my mom on Saturday morning and admired all backyard items again.

But, she did get a little upset when he feet got dirty. I guess that's what happened, I'm not entirely sure...
She spent most of the trip pretty nervous about Papa Gene. He tried to get her to smile, but she would just look at him like he was crazy. Finally at the end of the trip, she warmed up to him. She just randomly reached for him all the sudden and he gladly pulled her onto his lap. It's a good thing he likes her, because he is one of the silliest and most entertaining members of the family! At dinner that night, she even tried to feed him! I explaining to him that with Marley, that is the ultimate compliment! Sunday morning, he left early to play golf. The golf course back right up to their backyard, so when he got that hole, we went outside on the porch to greet them and tell the men Happy Father's Day. As soon as she saw Papa Gene, she kicked her feet and squealed for him! I'm glad she loves him.
The trip home was a little fussier than the way there. We were both tired, and luckily I was able to take a nap when Marley did.
We got home just in time to celebrate Father's Day with Asa, and crash in bed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
False Alarm
Well, we don't have a house. I don't really feel like going into it, but things pretty much changed when we went to sign the lease. And the landlords were extremely rude to us. So, we took our money and said nevermind. I was really sad at the time, just because I had gotten so into the idea of this house, so right now I am still feeling a little unmotivated. But, I know we will find something better. Hopefully we will find something perfect for us.
Oh, and our laptop contracted a virus from something my super-computer-savvy fiance wanted to download. So, I can't update on anything with pictures until our neighbor fixes it. Then, I can put up all the posts I have been wanting to!
Just a quick update on Marley: she has been sooo fussy. I don't know if she's getting more teeth, or punishing me for making her be in the car a lot over the weekend, but she is not very happy. Today, I tried to do what I thought she wanted to do, but it didn't work. So, tomorrow we may go play on her water mat (not that she enjoyed that last time, but at least it's something different) and I am hoping we can convince my mom to take us swimming at her friend's house on Friday. It's already almost the end on June and Marley has still never been swimming! That's terrible! It has just been a stressful month!
But even with her fussiness, she has also seemed to be very loving lately. She gave me tons and tons of kisses today and anytime I sit on the floor with her she is just crawling all over me trying to cuddle with me. It is so so sweet... but then 5 seconds later she's whining.
Oh, and our laptop contracted a virus from something my super-computer-savvy fiance wanted to download. So, I can't update on anything with pictures until our neighbor fixes it. Then, I can put up all the posts I have been wanting to!
Just a quick update on Marley: she has been sooo fussy. I don't know if she's getting more teeth, or punishing me for making her be in the car a lot over the weekend, but she is not very happy. Today, I tried to do what I thought she wanted to do, but it didn't work. So, tomorrow we may go play on her water mat (not that she enjoyed that last time, but at least it's something different) and I am hoping we can convince my mom to take us swimming at her friend's house on Friday. It's already almost the end on June and Marley has still never been swimming! That's terrible! It has just been a stressful month!
But even with her fussiness, she has also seemed to be very loving lately. She gave me tons and tons of kisses today and anytime I sit on the floor with her she is just crawling all over me trying to cuddle with me. It is so so sweet... but then 5 seconds later she's whining.
Monday, June 22, 2009
A New Beginning
Well, the past few days have been very eventful. On Friday morning, I looked online for houses and found an ad for a "beautiful 3 bedroom farm house," so we decided to call. By 8 in the morning, we were at the house, meeting the current residents, and taking a tour. It is such a cute little house. It was built in the early 1920s, and is on 8 acres of land, but still inside the city limits. It has a big porch all around the front of the house, and a great fireplace. There is plenty of room for the three of us and the dogs. There is even already a garden, ready for next spring!
So, after the quick tour, we called the owners and told them we wanted it. By 10, we had turned in the application, beating out the other people that were waiting in the driveway to find out if we were going to take it. So, then all we could do was wait. Marley and I left at 11 to go to Austin with my mom. (I'll make a post about that later...)
Finally in the late afternoon, the owner called Asa and told him we could rent the house! I can't even explain how excited I was and still am. I spent the weekend talking about the house to everyone who would listen, and I'm sure they are pretty sick of hearing about it. Asa and I planned everything out last night and we are signing the lease this afternoon! The current residents will be out Friday night, so we will hopefully be able to move this weekend. The house is not in perfect shape. So, we will be busy for a month of so fixing it up. For instance, the living room floor is just sheets of plywood with a sealant on them. So, I definitely want a big rug or something. We will need to put up a fence for the dogs, and I want to paint every room. We will have to buy our own appliances, so Marley and I went to Lowe's this morning and looked at those. We are going to buy a new stove and fridge, and buy a used washer, dryer, and lawn mower.
But even with all the money we have to spend and all the work that we will have, I am so excited! We are finally going to have space to spread out and make a home for ourselves. We have been cramped into this little apartment for too long, and the thought of having room to actually be outside or actually invite people over is amazing. The dogs will no longer be on top of us, they will now be outside dogs! And Asa gets what he wants, too! He will have 8 whole acres to roam, camp, and build fires in. I know he is excited too!
So, as soon as we can, I will be taking pictures and posting them. This is such an important part of our lives, I will have to write about all of it! I am so excited! Tonight, we will sign the lease and take some measurements for rugs and fencing. And then we are off to spend money!
Have I mentioned that I'm really excited?!
So, after the quick tour, we called the owners and told them we wanted it. By 10, we had turned in the application, beating out the other people that were waiting in the driveway to find out if we were going to take it. So, then all we could do was wait. Marley and I left at 11 to go to Austin with my mom. (I'll make a post about that later...)
Finally in the late afternoon, the owner called Asa and told him we could rent the house! I can't even explain how excited I was and still am. I spent the weekend talking about the house to everyone who would listen, and I'm sure they are pretty sick of hearing about it. Asa and I planned everything out last night and we are signing the lease this afternoon! The current residents will be out Friday night, so we will hopefully be able to move this weekend. The house is not in perfect shape. So, we will be busy for a month of so fixing it up. For instance, the living room floor is just sheets of plywood with a sealant on them. So, I definitely want a big rug or something. We will need to put up a fence for the dogs, and I want to paint every room. We will have to buy our own appliances, so Marley and I went to Lowe's this morning and looked at those. We are going to buy a new stove and fridge, and buy a used washer, dryer, and lawn mower.
But even with all the money we have to spend and all the work that we will have, I am so excited! We are finally going to have space to spread out and make a home for ourselves. We have been cramped into this little apartment for too long, and the thought of having room to actually be outside or actually invite people over is amazing. The dogs will no longer be on top of us, they will now be outside dogs! And Asa gets what he wants, too! He will have 8 whole acres to roam, camp, and build fires in. I know he is excited too!
So, as soon as we can, I will be taking pictures and posting them. This is such an important part of our lives, I will have to write about all of it! I am so excited! Tonight, we will sign the lease and take some measurements for rugs and fencing. And then we are off to spend money!
Have I mentioned that I'm really excited?!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Babies are supposed to love swings, right?
Yesterday, we decided to take Marley to the park when Asa got off work. For some reason, I really wanted her to swing. My first mistake was putting shoes on her feet. Evidently, Marley has gotten spoiled by not having anything on her feet, and even the thought of socks is enough to make her scream all the way to the park. So, we took off the socks and shoes. She was still crying, but I thought the swings would cheer her up.
Well, that didn't go well, either. What is with this girl? Doesn't she know babies like the swings?
Fortunately, she cheered up at the slide. Asa took her down both of the slides. She wasn't really excited about that, but she did enjoy sitting on the herself. She watched all the big kids play and swing in their own swings.

It ended with smiles. I don't know if we can count it as a success, though. We'll try again next week!
Fortunately, she cheered up at the slide. Asa took her down both of the slides. She wasn't really excited about that, but she did enjoy sitting on the herself. She watched all the big kids play and swing in their own swings.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Big Girl
Marley took a step today. It was just one step, and it was kind of a falling step, but I am still counting it. I'm her mom, so I get to say if it counts, right? Luckily, Asa was there to witness it, and "catch her by her head". I was too busy being excited to see what that meant, but I guess it's a good thing!
She also learned how to climb onto the couch all by herself. I am really starting to realize how strong and smart she is! Not that I didn't always think she was smart, but all of the new things she has done recently involve a lot of thought and effort! Recently, things are happening at warp speed, and I am amazed at how quickly she can learn and remember something.
This evening, Asa came home and we sat outside with our neighbors. Their son just turned two and has never really been too interested in Marley. But, today he saw us walking around with Marley holding her fingers and he wanted to help her! Asa still held on to Marley, but Eli walked backwards holding Marley hands and helping her walk around! It was adorable! From that point on, Marley wanted to follow him everywhere he went. When I got tired of helping her walk, she crawled around after him as fast as she could. They talked to each other, drank water together, went down the slide, and sat in the grass together. She even climbed a few steps after him! She wants to be big so bad!

By the time we went inside, Eli and Marley smelled about the same: like sweaty little kids. She was sooo tired from trying to keep up that she went to bed an hour early! Too bad we are moving, because they could have been good friends...
She also learned how to climb onto the couch all by herself. I am really starting to realize how strong and smart she is! Not that I didn't always think she was smart, but all of the new things she has done recently involve a lot of thought and effort! Recently, things are happening at warp speed, and I am amazed at how quickly she can learn and remember something.
This evening, Asa came home and we sat outside with our neighbors. Their son just turned two and has never really been too interested in Marley. But, today he saw us walking around with Marley holding her fingers and he wanted to help her! Asa still held on to Marley, but Eli walked backwards holding Marley hands and helping her walk around! It was adorable! From that point on, Marley wanted to follow him everywhere he went. When I got tired of helping her walk, she crawled around after him as fast as she could. They talked to each other, drank water together, went down the slide, and sat in the grass together. She even climbed a few steps after him! She wants to be big so bad!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Things from the Weekend
Lately, when I am getting ready to do laundry, this is what I find in the laundry basket: toys, papers, remotes, cell phones, books, and the camera. One of Marley's new favorite things to do.
Sunday morning, Marley discovered how to get off the bed. Instead of going face-first, she actually turned herself around and lower her feet to the ground and crawled off! I was pretty impressed that she could already figure that out! that takes a lot of thought!
I was dancing in my mom's kitchen, waving my arms around on Sunday afternoon. I was trying to get Marley to dance with me, but instead of just bobbing up and down she waved her arms just like me! It is so amazing how quickly she can learn things. I am impressed with something new everyday!
She also learned how to slurp spaghetti. I gave her a noodle and she sucked it right down, just like Lady and the Tramp. I don't think you'll find this on any milestone charts, but it's so cool!
She has also been doing a lot of this lately. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard yesterday.
I was dancing in my mom's kitchen, waving my arms around on Sunday afternoon. I was trying to get Marley to dance with me, but instead of just bobbing up and down she waved her arms just like me! It is so amazing how quickly she can learn things. I am impressed with something new everyday!
She also learned how to slurp spaghetti. I gave her a noodle and she sucked it right down, just like Lady and the Tramp. I don't think you'll find this on any milestone charts, but it's so cool!
She has also been doing a lot of this lately. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard yesterday.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Blueberry Festival
Yesterday, we went to the annual Nacogdoches Blueberry Festival. It was busy, including kids dressed as blueberries, dogs in all sorts of costumes, and tons of old ladies looking through the jewelry. We went early, but we still would have had to wait about 45 minutes for the famous blueberry pancakes. So, we didn't actually have any blueberries, but we were there. And Marley had fun doing something new!

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