Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trip to Austin

Last weekend, my mom and I took Marley to visit my Mimi and Papa Gene! The last time she went to Austin, she was three months old, and it didn't go so well. This time she was much better. Besides having to sit in the back seat and getting car sick, it was a success. Marley slept, laughed, sang, and whined a little all the way there. Luckily, once we got there, Mimi was ready to occupy her! Marley and Mimi toured the backyard and the golf course, played all over the back porch, and picked and admired flowers.
Then, Mimi found this little garden wagon and pulled Marley around in it! We are going to have to get a wagon, because she loved it! She actually leaned back and put her hands on each side, relaxing while Mimi toted her around. She was The Princess.
She also did the routine with my mom on Saturday morning and admired all backyard items again.
But, she did get a little upset when he feet got dirty. I guess that's what happened, I'm not entirely sure...
She spent most of the trip pretty nervous about Papa Gene. He tried to get her to smile, but she would just look at him like he was crazy. Finally at the end of the trip, she warmed up to him. She just randomly reached for him all the sudden and he gladly pulled her onto his lap. It's a good thing he likes her, because he is one of the silliest and most entertaining members of the family! At dinner that night, she even tried to feed him! I explaining to him that with Marley, that is the ultimate compliment! Sunday morning, he left early to play golf. The golf course back right up to their backyard, so when he got that hole, we went outside on the porch to greet them and tell the men Happy Father's Day. As soon as she saw Papa Gene, she kicked her feet and squealed for him! I'm glad she loves him.The trip home was a little fussier than the way there. We were both tired, and luckily I was able to take a nap when Marley did.
We got home just in time to celebrate Father's Day with Asa, and crash in bed.

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