Monday, June 22, 2009

A New Beginning

Well, the past few days have been very eventful. On Friday morning, I looked online for houses and found an ad for a "beautiful 3 bedroom farm house," so we decided to call. By 8 in the morning, we were at the house, meeting the current residents, and taking a tour. It is such a cute little house. It was built in the early 1920s, and is on 8 acres of land, but still inside the city limits. It has a big porch all around the front of the house, and a great fireplace. There is plenty of room for the three of us and the dogs. There is even already a garden, ready for next spring!

So, after the quick tour, we called the owners and told them we wanted it. By 10, we had turned in the application, beating out the other people that were waiting in the driveway to find out if we were going to take it. So, then all we could do was wait. Marley and I left at 11 to go to Austin with my mom. (I'll make a post about that later...)

Finally in the late afternoon, the owner called Asa and told him we could rent the house! I can't even explain how excited I was and still am. I spent the weekend talking about the house to everyone who would listen, and I'm sure they are pretty sick of hearing about it. Asa and I planned everything out last night and we are signing the lease this afternoon! The current residents will be out Friday night, so we will hopefully be able to move this weekend. The house is not in perfect shape. So, we will be busy for a month of so fixing it up. For instance, the living room floor is just sheets of plywood with a sealant on them. So, I definitely want a big rug or something. We will need to put up a fence for the dogs, and I want to paint every room. We will have to buy our own appliances, so Marley and I went to Lowe's this morning and looked at those. We are going to buy a new stove and fridge, and buy a used washer, dryer, and lawn mower.

But even with all the money we have to spend and all the work that we will have, I am so excited! We are finally going to have space to spread out and make a home for ourselves. We have been cramped into this little apartment for too long, and the thought of having room to actually be outside or actually invite people over is amazing. The dogs will no longer be on top of us, they will now be outside dogs! And Asa gets what he wants, too! He will have 8 whole acres to roam, camp, and build fires in. I know he is excited too!

So, as soon as we can, I will be taking pictures and posting them. This is such an important part of our lives, I will have to write about all of it! I am so excited! Tonight, we will sign the lease and take some measurements for rugs and fencing. And then we are off to spend money!

Have I mentioned that I'm really excited?!

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