Thursday, April 29, 2010
How Old Are You?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mommy's Helper
She poured the powder in the bowl:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Our Weekend
Saturday and Sunday were awful days to be outside. It was cold and raining and windy. So, we stayed in our pajamas all day Saturday and watched episodes season 2 of NCIS. Marley played, we had picnics on the floor, and we had 50 tickle fights. At first when we were getting Marley ready for bed, I thought, "That was such a wasted day!" But then I realized that I was really happy about the way we had spent our day! To someone else it may seem like we were lazy bums, but Asa deserved it, I enjoyed it, and Marley loved just being at home with us right there to play with her. We weren't trying to get up and clean the house or run errands, we were just there with her all day playing and reading books and laughing at each other while NCIS played on the TV. It was actually a great day!
Today was very similar, except we had to actually leave the house in the evening. We went and bought a few groceries at Walmart, but quickly came back home and ate dinner together. I have the sweetest little family, and I love spending time together like that.
It will be our last weekend for a while though. Next weekend, Asa will be leaving for training in Louisiana, and Marley and I will be heading home. We have no idea how long the Louisiana thing is lasting, but rumor is around 5 weeks. That's a long time to leave our house alone here, but I don't really want to be alone here in it. So, I am going home to stay at my mom's house while he is Louisiana. And hopefully Asa will be getting weekends off so that we could see each other and he could possibly come to Nacogdoches.
Tomorrow is another day at work for Asa, and hopefully Marley and I can get some of our errands done for this week. Being away from our house for a possible 5 weeks is a long time! We have a lot of planning to do this week!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Scatter-brained update
I am lucky enough to say, though, that one of the main reasons I have not been blogging is because I have been hanging out with my daughter! We have been doing things outside all day long!
Last week we went for a hike with Asa when he got off work. Unfortunately, some setting was changed on my camera and it ended up screwing up all the pictures I took. But here are a few that were close to turning out.

Anyway, I am using my free time to catch up on blogs! Marley has been sleeping a whole lot better lately. Even though she is getting her four eye teeth right now, she sleeps by herself in her own bed until about 2 in the morning! That's not sleeping through the night, but I'll take it!
We are slowly getting everything put together here. We still have a few boxes out on the front porch, waiting for their placement. But, for the most part it looks like we really live here. I am back on my diet and exercise plan this week, after 4 weeks of not caring about it. I am finding it a lot harder to stay on it now though... with Asa right in front of me eating whatever he wants. Oh well, I am going to have to do it anyway. I am having fun forcing Asa to try healthier recipes though. He may not like them as much as I want him to, but at least he tries it and tells me he likes it!
Haha. So, there is a really scatter-brained update on lots of random things!
I took this when the three of us were driving home from dropping my mom off in Branson. She has been practicing elephant noises... and evidently still thinks the burping thing is hilarious!
Playing in the car from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
I took this in St. Louis last weekend while we were eating dinner at Chipotle. The people at the next table over were watching her and laughing, that's who you hear ask what flavor the drink is.
Sour Drink from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Marley is getting really good at attempting words when I ask her to. The words she has signs for are a little hard, because she thinks I am asking her for the sign. But she is getting better and better with new words!
Corn? from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
At lastly, just a cute video I took tonight at dinner!
She gets it from her Daddy from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The St. Louis Zoo

We visited the gift shop once our train ride was over, and bought Marley a shirt. And then we hit the road back home. It was a fun little weekend getaway, and definitely needed after all of our moving stress!
Asa's Big Gift
Well, around the beginning of February, I decided that I wanted to buy it for him as a surprise! I don't think the people I told about my plan thought it was the best idea, and sure it made me nervous! But all I could think about was how happy he would be! So, I set out to find exactly what he wanted. There were a few snags in the plan, mostly because of what he wanted. He wanted pretty much the most expensive version of a Toyota Tundra and it was hard to find that in our price range. I had to lie to Asa and tell him I was letting my cousin Mike, who works for Toyota dealership in Houston, was looking for one but not really finding anything. We had planned that Mike would look for us and then once Asa got to come home to move he would go down to Houston and buy it.
Two weeks before his graduation, I found exactly what he wanted!
Fast forward to family day, the first time we had gotten to see Asa in six weeks. Both of our families knew about the truck and couldn't wait to see his face when I told him. We parked a few parking lots over so ensure that he wouldn't see it until I was ready to tell him. The night before, he had called me and was really really sad when I told him I couldn't find what he wanted. He said, "I might just have to settle for something I don't want..." Meanwhile, I am on the other end of the phone with a HUGE smile! Anyway, we found him and greeted him (which I still have to do a blog about) and then it was time to walk to the car. I had been trying to figure out what to say when I told him, but I could never decide on the perfect way to say it.
I had parked it at the very back of the parking lot, and luckily there were still plenty of other cars in the parking lot to disguise where we were walking. Once I got my nerves up I said, "Well, I tried to fit everything in the Corolla, but I couldn't. So, I had to go buy this truck over here."
Asa didn't say anything. He just stopped walking, hugged me, and cried on my shoulder.

To St. Louis and The Magic House!
I had been wanting to try letting Marley watch a movie on my portable DVD player to see if it would occupy her. If I am going to be making any trips home by myself, I will need to either drive at night or find some other way to keep her happy in the car for 10 hours. So, we set up my DVD player, but realized that the only movie we could find was Planet Earth! When I was pregnant, Planet Earth came out on DVD and Asa and I talked about how that is what our kids will watch instead of those super annoying cartoons. So, we popped it in and she just sat there watching it for most of the ride! We didn't have the right equipment to connect it to the back of the front seat, not we tried to make it work with bungee straps. It would stay put for a while, but we had to fix it a few times. But other than that it was great!
On our way, I looked up information about other things we could do in St. Louis and found out they have a children's museum called The Magic House. And every third Friday of the month, from 5-9 pm is free! Perfect! So, that was our first stop when we got into St. Louis!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
But, Bebe can also be the bad other baby sometimes. If something gets spilled and I say "Did you do that?", she shakes her head 'no' and says "Bebe." If I ask her if she is stinky, she says "uh uh Bebe." So, I have started saying Bebe as much as I say Marley. I say "Come here, Bebe" or "No, Bebe!" She's really going to be confused about if she is Bebe or not!
It cracks me up every time! Bebe can be so cute sometimes!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
We are back in Missouri as of Saturday, and we have all of our stuff! That means I have a car! I was very sad to leave Nacogdoches, but at the same time I felt like I hadn't given Missouri a real chance. I was here for two weeks, but it wasn't very fun since I didn't have any of my stuff and Marley and I were sitting at home all day. But now that we are back, it is starting to feel normal. Luckily, in the week that we were in Nacogdoches, spring arrived in Missouri! The dogwoods and redbuds are blooming, the grass is green and full, and the birds are chirping. I cannot tell you what a welcoming sight that was. The cold and rainy weather is gone, and the sun is warming everything up.
I got to spend our first day back running errands and playing outside with Marley. I did have tons of things to unpack and organize, but I wanted a day off. So, Marley and I had a blast! I went grocery shopping like a normal person and played with Marley as much as I wanted to! I did have a paper to write and I did put together her new bookshelf during her nap time, but the rest of the afternoon was spent doing this:
On Sunday, my mom and Marley went to the store and bought a bird feeder and some bird food. Marley loves looking at birds now, so we needed to attract some to our yard! In this picture, she is waving at our first bird visitor. It had probably checked out the bird feeder earlier in the day, but wasn't going near it with us there. Marley watched it walk all around the yard and then yelled "uh oh!" when it flew away!
Moving Days
Asa's friends were supposed to come help us but they were in the middle of eating at a steakhouse, so Asa and I unpacked the boxes that I could help with. We made my mom a list and she and Marley went to Walmart and Lowe's to tackle it. Luckily, Asa's friends showed up right when the heavy stuff was needing to come out. I am glad he had friends already because I was not meant to move furniture with Asa. It never ends with us in a good mood.
We got everything unloaded that night and returned the Uhaul to the store. We ended up going out to dinner together and my mom made another trip to Walmart that night. We had big plans to stay up late together and put things away, but we were all way too exhausted. So, we crashed early. We had not been in out own bed in six months. It felt amazing after all that time!
The next morning we got some work done before we had to take my mom to Branson. She was meeting her co-workers there for a conference. We put the shelf paper in, unpacked a few boxes, and she and Marley worked on her room. She even got all of her stuffed animals organized! It was so great to have my mom there and feel like she was sending us off in a way. I am so glad she got to see our house and make sure we were going to be okay there.
We all went out to lunch and then headed to Branson. It was a two hour drive, most of which Asa and Marley slept through. Once we got to Branson we had planned to drop my mom off and then head back home since Asa had to work the next morning. But we saw a Target, then a Bass Pro Shop, then a Marble Slab, and pretty soon we had been there for hours! Marley and my mom rode a trolley that Marley loved! She just sat there prefectly still while the trolley man gave them the tour of the boardwalk. That started her obsession with trains. Now every time she sees a train she says "Mimi Mimi!!!"
We had to leave, but I arranged to come back that Tuesday to spend the afteroon with my mom again. So, there weren't any tears like I thought there would be. We had picnic in the car on the way home and then crashed once we got there. That was Marley's first night in her bed, which was a little sad for me. She didn't sleep through the night or anything, but it was still sad that she's to that point. I still want her to be my little baby, but she isn't. It was great to have the three of us all safe in our house and ready to tackle our new lives together. Being grown-ups is hard. You have to make difficult decisions and live with worries of if you did the right thing or not. And we will probably be wondering that for a long time. But as everyone keeps telling me, the most important thing is that we are together and happy. I can't ask for anything more than my husband and my daughter under the same roof with me again.