After our little Christmas with Asa and the longest nap I could get Marley to take, we headed to Grandma and Pappy's house for our Christmas celebration with them. Mimi 2 had bought the girls Christmas dresses earlier in the day, so Marley got to wear her's. Unfortunately, we didn't remember to get any tights for Vivi's dress, so she wore a Christmas onesie. But they both still looked beautiful!
We had a yummy dinner and then we all opened presents together! Everyone that we gave gifts to really liked them! Marley seemed to be a little bit of a rush to open the presents. Maybe that's a normal kid thing... I don't know. Regardless, she rushed through opening them and didn't even take the time to look at what they were! So once she was done, she actually rested for a second and began to play with a few things!
Vivi really loved all the bright colors. She wanted to grab every piece of wrapping paper, ribbon, tissue paper, or gift bag within reach. She was cracking me up and keeping me busy trying to keep little pieces out of her mouth!
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love giving people gifts that mean a lot to me and I love seeing all the faces of the children in the room. They are so happy! We all spent a while looking at our gifts, playing with toys, talking about everything. It was great. (Would have been perfect with Asa!)
Me and my girls. Notice the Christmas explosion all around us! |
Marley looking like her Daddy! |
Grandma, Pappy, and the grandkids, each showing their personalities! |
Decorating cookies! |
The 20 minute ride back home was spent listening to Vivi scream. I really almost lost it. There was nowhere to stop and nothing I could do to help her until we got home and it completely broke her heart and my own. I've never heard her cry so hard.
When we got home, we made a quick batch of chocolate chip cookies (of which Marley ate about half of the dough), put on special Christmas pajamas, and I put the girls to bed.
Marley did not fight me on bedtime! For she knew what the morning would bring...