Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Picking up Aunt Noah and Expecting the Unexpected

The weekend before Christmas, we travelled to Tyler to pick up Aunt Noah from the airport!  She has been stationed with the Navy in San Diego (LUCKY!) and we haven't seen her since the summer.  So, we were all there to welcome her home to Texas!
Marley was a little nervous at first, but warmed right up to her. But Vivi did something totally unexpected and out of character!  She cried when I handed her to Aunt Noah!  She has since done it to other people, so I am thinking she is just reaching that stage... the scared of people she doesn't spend all day with stage.  Which stinks... maybe she will get past that by the time Asa gets home...

After the airport, we all went to Chuck E. Cheese!  This was Marley's first experience.  We used to go when I was a kid, and I knew what to expect.  And the main thing I expected was for Marley to be shy and nervous.  But I literally did not see her for an hour!  She ran around playing whatever open games she could find with Grandpa and Aunt Noah.  She was such a kid! 
I learned a few things. 

We ALL missed Aunt Noah.
Chuck E. Cheese is overwhelming for this mommy.
Don't take anymore night time car trips.
And the girls' personalities are not set in stone.  They may change their minds at any moment.

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