Until he does something wrong, that is.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Introducing... Bobby!
This is Bobby.
Bobby is a groundhog that lives under our lower deck. We see him occasionally when he comes out to inspect the yard, and boy does Marley get excited. She would probably not be very excited if she weren't safely inside, but she loves to watch him from the window. She asks about him all the time and loves to tell me he is sleeping or at work. This guy works and sleep A LOT! He's our little mascot for the house, and we have a lot of fun looking for every day.
Until he does something wrong, that is.
Until he does something wrong, that is.
Little Dancer
Here are two recent videos of Marley dancing. She loves dancing now! She does it in the bath, in the bed, and while she's eating!
Crazy Cute Dancing from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Dancing! from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Marley is going through a Mama phase. When Asa is at work, she talks about him non-stop, but when he actually wants to pay attention to her she runs to me. If Asa tries to hug me or hold my hand, Marley yells "MAMA" and pushes him away from me. And she refuses to kiss him goodbye. I don't know if it's from her being sick last week, or what, but it makes me sad!
Then the other day, Asa decided he would take a nap with Marley on his lunch break. I nursed her to sleep next to him, and then they cuddled together sweetly for his entire lunch break. I remember when Marley was a baby and I couldn't get her to go to sleep for me even if I begged her! I would nurse her, and then call Asa in to rock her to sleep. I know he misses that, and we both miss when she used to just curl up on our chest and fall asleep. She's a lot more independent now, but she still loves to have someone to cuddle with. She may not fit in our arms the way she used to, but she is just as cozy and we wouldn't trade that time for anything!

Then the other day, Asa decided he would take a nap with Marley on his lunch break. I nursed her to sleep next to him, and then they cuddled together sweetly for his entire lunch break. I remember when Marley was a baby and I couldn't get her to go to sleep for me even if I begged her! I would nurse her, and then call Asa in to rock her to sleep. I know he misses that, and we both miss when she used to just curl up on our chest and fall asleep. She's a lot more independent now, but she still loves to have someone to cuddle with. She may not fit in our arms the way she used to, but she is just as cozy and we wouldn't trade that time for anything!
Mow, Eewie, Night Night
This video shows off some of the new things that Marley does these days: signs "grass", says "mow", wears cloth diapers, introduces Bobby, calls everything "eewie", and says "night night".
Watching Daddy Mow from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Chapter 10
Remember how I was making those videos from each month of Marley's first year? Well, I never finished! Here's Month 10!
Chapter 10 from Jillian Shaw on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Baby, Sick Mommy
I figured I should actually update my blog while Marley is content playing with my phone! I swear, that thing provides hours of entertainment for a little girl. She has been in such a happy, hyper mood for the past two days. Several times yesterday, Asa and I just looked at her like we had no idea who she was. She's not always grumpy or anything, but she never runs in circles squealing like she has been yesterday and today.
All last week, Marley and I were sick. We were coughing and congested and just crummy. We both had fevers and only wanted to lay on the couch all day. This week, Marley is feeling much better. I am still congested and have a cough, but I feel good enough to be up and active all day. I hate being sick, but I especially hate Marley being sick. And our Walmart doesn't have any infant Tylenol or Motrin! I don't know if all stores still have them off the shelves from the re-call, but shouldn't someone fix that problem by now? What are we supposed to do for our sick babies?
I need to get 100% better soon, because on Friday my mom, Joel, and Emily will be here to see us for the weekend! I'm so excited, and hopefully we can find some fun things to do with everyone. I know a chicken-pot-pie dinner is on the schedule, so I am very excited about that!
We were sitting at the park the other day and started talking to another family about living on post. They told us that in the state of Missouri you can break any lease if you are getting housing on post! When we first moved up here, we found out that it would take 4 or 5 months to get on-post housing so we had to settle for off-post. We pretty much got the only house that was available in our price range right then. But we are both getting very annoyed with lots of things in the house. I would love to live on post, near other people like us, closer to Asa's work, and closer to most of the things that I like to do during the day. So, we went to the housing office last Friday and signed ourselves up. If they just so happen to call us in the next few weeks, then we will probably be moving on post! I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but it would be really exciting to live near other people. If they don't call us any time soon, we will just stay where we are because there isn't much of a point in moving for a few months before Asa deploys. But I am excited about the possibility of it! And Asa is excited about maybe getting to sleep a little longer each morning!
I promise I want to be a better blogger! There are so many things that I have missed now, so it will take me a while to catch back up. But I am working on it!
All last week, Marley and I were sick. We were coughing and congested and just crummy. We both had fevers and only wanted to lay on the couch all day. This week, Marley is feeling much better. I am still congested and have a cough, but I feel good enough to be up and active all day. I hate being sick, but I especially hate Marley being sick. And our Walmart doesn't have any infant Tylenol or Motrin! I don't know if all stores still have them off the shelves from the re-call, but shouldn't someone fix that problem by now? What are we supposed to do for our sick babies?
I need to get 100% better soon, because on Friday my mom, Joel, and Emily will be here to see us for the weekend! I'm so excited, and hopefully we can find some fun things to do with everyone. I know a chicken-pot-pie dinner is on the schedule, so I am very excited about that!
We were sitting at the park the other day and started talking to another family about living on post. They told us that in the state of Missouri you can break any lease if you are getting housing on post! When we first moved up here, we found out that it would take 4 or 5 months to get on-post housing so we had to settle for off-post. We pretty much got the only house that was available in our price range right then. But we are both getting very annoyed with lots of things in the house. I would love to live on post, near other people like us, closer to Asa's work, and closer to most of the things that I like to do during the day. So, we went to the housing office last Friday and signed ourselves up. If they just so happen to call us in the next few weeks, then we will probably be moving on post! I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but it would be really exciting to live near other people. If they don't call us any time soon, we will just stay where we are because there isn't much of a point in moving for a few months before Asa deploys. But I am excited about the possibility of it! And Asa is excited about maybe getting to sleep a little longer each morning!
I promise I want to be a better blogger! There are so many things that I have missed now, so it will take me a while to catch back up. But I am working on it!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bye Bye Bronze Age, Hello Jetsons
Asa came home from work a few weeks ago and decided we needed a Wii. I grew up without a single video game when I was a kid, so I was reluctant to buy one. Mainly because I have no idea how to do it. My brain doesn't work like that. But we bought it, along with the Wii Fit addition. And we all love it! Even Marley! 

I get to use it to work out, Marley gets to fly airplanes and drive jet skies, and Asa gets to play all of his various games. It is a lot easier to handle than I thought it would be, and it turns out my brain can actually understand it. There are tons of things for me to do on Wii Fit, including yoga, aerobics, and strength training. And Marley is so cute, concentrating so hard on how she is flying the airplane. I am really glad we bought it, even though it took some convincing. It's fun to have one more thing we all do together.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Springfield Zoo
Asa's Perfect Dinner
After our trip to the pool, we all took showers and got ready for our nice dinner. We didn't exactly know where we were going yet, but Asa picked up a magazine with all the nice restaurants in Springfield, and we tried to choose one once we got in the car. Marley was exhausted, so she took a short nap while we drove around debating where to eat. There were Italian places, steak houses, Asian restaurants, but Asa couldn't decide. Nothing felt like the fancy dinner we were supposed to have. Then all the sudden, Asa started driving like he had a mission. I asked where we were going, but he wouldn't say.
A few minutes later, we pulled into one of his favorite places, Chipotle. They have delicious food, but it wasn't exactly the fancy Father's Day dinner I had imagined. Asa ordered our food to-go and we got back in the car. He drove to a park with a huge playground and announced we were having a picnic.
He brought our food to the top of the playground and pulled it all out for us to eat. It wasn't ideal to sit cross-legged at the top of a playground in my skirt, and I had fixed my hair and put on make-up for this?
But then I stopped myself. This is Asa. It's more about spending time together, and being in a relaxed place where Marley can play and we can watch the sun set. As much as I wanted to take him out for a nice dinner, this is his perfect dinner.
So, we ate and played, and tried out Asa's new camera. Marley loved the relaxed meal, and she probably adored not being in a high chair.

Asa has earned himself a fantastic Father's Day. He loves Marley to pieces and would do anything for the two of us. Happy Father's Day!
A few minutes later, we pulled into one of his favorite places, Chipotle. They have delicious food, but it wasn't exactly the fancy Father's Day dinner I had imagined. Asa ordered our food to-go and we got back in the car. He drove to a park with a huge playground and announced we were having a picnic.
Asa's Father's Day Present
We got home from camping on Father's Day around noon and unloaded everything from the trip. I pulled a pork roast out that needed to be cooked and put it in the slow cooker, and then we crashed on the couch to relax. Marley was so excited to be home and pulling out her toys like she had never seen them before!
Well it wasn't long before Asa had a light bulb go on in his head and he had decided what he wanted to do for Father's Day! One on the things that he has been wanting to buy is a tough camera that he can take with him on deployment. So, he searched around the internet and figured out that the closest place to get the camera he wanted was Springfield. So, we threw some clothes in a bag and put the pork roast back in the fridge, and hopped in the car for Springfield. We decided we could go out to a nice dinner for Father's Day, stay the night, and then visit the zoo the next day since Asa had Monday off.
We went straight to Best Buy and bought Asa's camera. It is 33 feet waterproof, 7 feet shockproof, and 200 pounds of pressure proof... and some other stats that I can't remember. It is definitely a sporty camera and if Asa keeps it alive, then it is definitely as strong as they say. So, we immediately wanted to check it out! We got our hotel room, put our swim suits on, and headed to the hotel pool!
It was very strange to purposely put a digital camera in the pool with us, but it was so much fun! And I loved getting some pictures that we would not have been able to get with a regular camera.

And Marley loved swimming in the pool! I love how much fun she has with all the summer activities. She wasn't scared to jump off the side, put her face in the water, kicks around in a tube. It makes me happy that she doesn't have a fear of the water, but I am also glad that we don't have a pool in the backyard. She may be a little too comfortable with it, so we will of course be keeping a very close eye on her anywhere near water.
The camera was a total success, and Asa has taken it to work with him every day since he got it. He even went swimming in the river and filmed himself jumping off a bridge. Scary stuff. But he's having fun and he totally deserves it. He is an awesome dad!
Well it wasn't long before Asa had a light bulb go on in his head and he had decided what he wanted to do for Father's Day! One on the things that he has been wanting to buy is a tough camera that he can take with him on deployment. So, he searched around the internet and figured out that the closest place to get the camera he wanted was Springfield. So, we threw some clothes in a bag and put the pork roast back in the fridge, and hopped in the car for Springfield. We decided we could go out to a nice dinner for Father's Day, stay the night, and then visit the zoo the next day since Asa had Monday off.
We went straight to Best Buy and bought Asa's camera. It is 33 feet waterproof, 7 feet shockproof, and 200 pounds of pressure proof... and some other stats that I can't remember. It is definitely a sporty camera and if Asa keeps it alive, then it is definitely as strong as they say. So, we immediately wanted to check it out! We got our hotel room, put our swim suits on, and headed to the hotel pool!
It was very strange to purposely put a digital camera in the pool with us, but it was so much fun! And I loved getting some pictures that we would not have been able to get with a regular camera.
The camera was a total success, and Asa has taken it to work with him every day since he got it. He even went swimming in the river and filmed himself jumping off a bridge. Scary stuff. But he's having fun and he totally deserves it. He is an awesome dad!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Camping at Lake of the Ozarks
The three of us went camping for Father's Day this past weekend! Asa and I used to go camping all the time before we had Marley. We made it our unofficial rule that we had to go camping once a month. But once I got pregnant with Marley, the idea of crawling in and out of a tent and sweating all night in the humid air was not appealing. The only other time we have been camping since then was the weekend before Asa left for basic training. But I felt like Father's Day was a good time to try it again. So, we packed up the truck and headed to Lake of the Ozarks State Park.
We got to camp site we had reserved on the internet and hated it. It had electricity, but it was in a terrible location and we would be surrounded by RVs. So, we decided to give up the electricity in exchange for being right by the lake, around other tent campers. Once we found our new spot, we unloaded everything and then headed on a walk to the swimming area.
I really didn't think Marley would like swimming in the lake. Because, let's be honest. I hate swimming in lakes. But to my surprise, she loved it!

She smiled and giggled as Asa twirled her around and and she blew bubbles in the nasty water. I got over my qualms about it and actually enjoyed the water with them. She even enjoyed us throwing her back and forth between us and putting her whole face in the water!
Right when we were stating the walk home, it started pouring. So, Asa ran ahead with Marley and tried to cover up all of the things at our campsite that didn't need to get wet. It rained just long enough to cool everything off and get our chairs nice and wet, and then the sun came back out. So, since everything was wet, we decided that an ice cream break was needed!
After a yummy ice cream break at the park store, we headed back to the campsite to clean up and get things set up for the evening.
It was HOT!
And WET!
There were two girls playing at the play ground, so while Asa aired up the air mattress at the bathroom, Marley and I tried to make friends. Unfortunately they left as soon as we got there, so Marley and I played by ourselves.
When we got back to the campsite, Asa had put our mattress in the tent and we realized that it was just not going to work for the three of us to stay in that tent. I debated for a while, and then decided we should go get a new tent. There was a Walmart 10 minutes away, so we went on a mission to find a bigger tent. I didn't want to spend the money for the most expensive one, so we settled on the mid-price one. It was nice and big though!
And Marley had a blast playing in it!

(We are unfortunately going through a nose-picking stage...)
We made Hobo Burgers for dinner that night and then went to sleep fairly early. When we used to go camping, we would bring a bunch of board games to play at night, but we forgot this time. The weather was really nice until about 2:30 in the morning, when the wind started blowing really hard. So, we decided to put the rain cover on (which I would not recommend trying to do for the first time at 3 in the morning). Marley was scared and crying the whole time we were out of the tent, so I am sure we also woke up everyone around us. But we got the cover on, and then got back in bed, just in time for the rain to start.
And then the tent started leaking... So, we moved to the middle on the tent where it wasn't leaking and somehow managed to go back to sleep for the rest of the night.
Saturday was filled with more swimming, more heat, more rain, and more relaxing. We had to go for a drive so that Marley could take a nap, because it was just too hot for me to lay down in bed with her. We also played in the tent, went on a few walks, and watched Asa fish for a little while.

Around bedtime that night, Marley and i both started feeling sick. Marley felt like she had a slight fever and was really cuddly and my throat was getting scratchy. So, we all went to bed again early, which was good because I was up most of the night. I just could not sleep. I was sticky, Marley wouldn't stop nursing without crying, and I couldn't get comfortable. It was not a fun night. But around 4 am I somehow got to sleep for a few hours and then we all woke up happy around 8!
The next morning, we slowly packed everything up and said goodbye to the lake. Marley came home with a few bruises and scrapes from various uh-ohs, but she had a good time overall. When we woke up the second morning, she started whining and looking around like she didn't know where we were. I said, "We're camping!" And she smiled really big and said, "Uh HUH!"
Overall, we had a good time. There are a few things that I would have loved to change, but I would definitely go again. Asa and I want to be that family that takes camping trips together all the time. Both of our families did it growing up, and we have some of our best childhood memories from camping with our families. We hope that our kids will love it and have memories like that.
We got to camp site we had reserved on the internet and hated it. It had electricity, but it was in a terrible location and we would be surrounded by RVs. So, we decided to give up the electricity in exchange for being right by the lake, around other tent campers. Once we found our new spot, we unloaded everything and then headed on a walk to the swimming area.
Right when we were stating the walk home, it started pouring. So, Asa ran ahead with Marley and tried to cover up all of the things at our campsite that didn't need to get wet. It rained just long enough to cool everything off and get our chairs nice and wet, and then the sun came back out. So, since everything was wet, we decided that an ice cream break was needed!
There were two girls playing at the play ground, so while Asa aired up the air mattress at the bathroom, Marley and I tried to make friends. Unfortunately they left as soon as we got there, so Marley and I played by ourselves.
We made Hobo Burgers for dinner that night and then went to sleep fairly early. When we used to go camping, we would bring a bunch of board games to play at night, but we forgot this time. The weather was really nice until about 2:30 in the morning, when the wind started blowing really hard. So, we decided to put the rain cover on (which I would not recommend trying to do for the first time at 3 in the morning). Marley was scared and crying the whole time we were out of the tent, so I am sure we also woke up everyone around us. But we got the cover on, and then got back in bed, just in time for the rain to start.
And then the tent started leaking... So, we moved to the middle on the tent where it wasn't leaking and somehow managed to go back to sleep for the rest of the night.
Saturday was filled with more swimming, more heat, more rain, and more relaxing. We had to go for a drive so that Marley could take a nap, because it was just too hot for me to lay down in bed with her. We also played in the tent, went on a few walks, and watched Asa fish for a little while.
The next morning, we slowly packed everything up and said goodbye to the lake. Marley came home with a few bruises and scrapes from various uh-ohs, but she had a good time overall. When we woke up the second morning, she started whining and looking around like she didn't know where we were. I said, "We're camping!" And she smiled really big and said, "Uh HUH!"
Monday, June 21, 2010
Watermelon on the Porch
We had watermelon on the back porch the other day. I love cold watermelon in the hot summer sun, and I assumed Marley would too. But she was skeptical.
We tried to get her to take a bite, but she refused. She flat out cried when we kept offering.
So, we ate our pieces happily and waited for her to decide, in normal Marley fashion, that she might like it since we seemed to be enjoying it.

And she was right! She really did like it!

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