Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Marley is going through a Mama phase. When Asa is at work, she talks about him non-stop, but when he actually wants to pay attention to her she runs to me. If Asa tries to hug me or hold my hand, Marley yells "MAMA" and pushes him away from me. And she refuses to kiss him goodbye. I don't know if it's from her being sick last week, or what, but it makes me sad!

Then the other day, Asa decided he would take a nap with Marley on his lunch break. I nursed her to sleep next to him, and then they cuddled together sweetly for his entire lunch break. I remember when Marley was a baby and I couldn't get her to go to sleep for me even if I begged her! I would nurse her, and then call Asa in to rock her to sleep. I know he misses that, and we both miss when she used to just curl up on our chest and fall asleep. She's a lot more independent now, but she still loves to have someone to cuddle with. She may not fit in our arms the way she used to, but she is just as cozy and we wouldn't trade that time for anything!

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