Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Baby, Sick Mommy

I figured I should actually update my blog while Marley is content playing with my phone! I swear, that thing provides hours of entertainment for a little girl. She has been in such a happy, hyper mood for the past two days. Several times yesterday, Asa and I just looked at her like we had no idea who she was. She's not always grumpy or anything, but she never runs in circles squealing like she has been yesterday and today.

All last week, Marley and I were sick. We were coughing and congested and just crummy. We both had fevers and only wanted to lay on the couch all day. This week, Marley is feeling much better. I am still congested and have a cough, but I feel good enough to be up and active all day. I hate being sick, but I especially hate Marley being sick. And our Walmart doesn't have any infant Tylenol or Motrin! I don't know if all stores still have them off the shelves from the re-call, but shouldn't someone fix that problem by now? What are we supposed to do for our sick babies?

I need to get 100% better soon, because on Friday my mom, Joel, and Emily will be here to see us for the weekend! I'm so excited, and hopefully we can find some fun things to do with everyone. I know a chicken-pot-pie dinner is on the schedule, so I am very excited about that!

We were sitting at the park the other day and started talking to another family about living on post. They told us that in the state of Missouri you can break any lease if you are getting housing on post! When we first moved up here, we found out that it would take 4 or 5 months to get on-post housing so we had to settle for off-post. We pretty much got the only house that was available in our price range right then. But we are both getting very annoyed with lots of things in the house. I would love to live on post, near other people like us, closer to Asa's work, and closer to most of the things that I like to do during the day. So, we went to the housing office last Friday and signed ourselves up. If they just so happen to call us in the next few weeks, then we will probably be moving on post! I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but it would be really exciting to live near other people. If they don't call us any time soon, we will just stay where we are because there isn't much of a point in moving for a few months before Asa deploys. But I am excited about the possibility of it! And Asa is excited about maybe getting to sleep a little longer each morning!

I promise I want to be a better blogger! There are so many things that I have missed now, so it will take me a while to catch back up. But I am working on it!

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