Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Asa's Father's Day Present

We got home from camping on Father's Day around noon and unloaded everything from the trip. I pulled a pork roast out that needed to be cooked and put it in the slow cooker, and then we crashed on the couch to relax. Marley was so excited to be home and pulling out her toys like she had never seen them before!

Well it wasn't long before Asa had a light bulb go on in his head and he had decided what he wanted to do for Father's Day! One on the things that he has been wanting to buy is a tough camera that he can take with him on deployment. So, he searched around the internet and figured out that the closest place to get the camera he wanted was Springfield. So, we threw some clothes in a bag and put the pork roast back in the fridge, and hopped in the car for Springfield. We decided we could go out to a nice dinner for Father's Day, stay the night, and then visit the zoo the next day since Asa had Monday off.

We went straight to Best Buy and bought Asa's camera. It is 33 feet waterproof, 7 feet shockproof, and 200 pounds of pressure proof... and some other stats that I can't remember. It is definitely a sporty camera and if Asa keeps it alive, then it is definitely as strong as they say. So, we immediately wanted to check it out! We got our hotel room, put our swim suits on, and headed to the hotel pool!

It was very strange to purposely put a digital camera in the pool with us, but it was so much fun! And I loved getting some pictures that we would not have been able to get with a regular camera.
And Marley loved swimming in the pool! I love how much fun she has with all the summer activities. She wasn't scared to jump off the side, put her face in the water, kicks around in a tube. It makes me happy that she doesn't have a fear of the water, but I am also glad that we don't have a pool in the backyard. She may be a little too comfortable with it, so we will of course be keeping a very close eye on her anywhere near water.

The camera was a total success, and Asa has taken it to work with him every day since he got it. He even went swimming in the river and filmed himself jumping off a bridge. Scary stuff. But he's having fun and he totally deserves it. He is an awesome dad!

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