Saturday, October 13, 2012

day 34: tough mudder

Asa competed in the tough mudder today.  It was a long day, but so much fun to watch him!  And I am doing the next one.  For real.  It looks like a blast.

I was a little stressed about what to pack because I knew that Marley would completely freak out if she got too muddy.  And, hello, we were at the tough mudder.  There would be mud.

She was exactly as I presumed she would be.  I think she only cried about the mud once, but after her rain boots got muddy, there was no getting them back on her.

However, she was very proud of her Daddy.  She wanted to see everything and told me, "I want to be a tough mudder one day.  It's a dirty job."

I was navigating the stroller over land it wasn't meant to travel on, through mud puddles and over huge roots.  I was frustrated and working up a sweat and I had just missed Asa at one of the obstacles.  I looked down and saw this.

Marley was holding Vivi's hand and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her.  It was absolutely precious.  One of those moments where I just stopped and watched them for a while, because whatever I was upset about didn't matter more than this moment.  I had to soak it up.

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