Friday, October 12, 2012

day 33: destruction

Sometimes, it is so hard to find the book you really want.

This is Vivi's favorite new trick.  Every single time I don't know where she is, she has climbed on a chair and is destroying something on the table. 

This girl is hard work.  She is into so much more than Marley ever was.  Here is what a normal afternoon is like:

I start doing the dishes.
I hear something drop, turn around, and Vivi has dropped a cup of water off the table.
I pick up the cup, clean up the water, push in the chair, and go back to the dishes.
Vivi starts pulling the silverware out of the dishwasher and throwing them on the floor. 
I take her into the living room, pick up the silverware, and start again.
She pulls on my leg. "Maaama. Mama?"
She is eating a crayon.
I take away the crayon, turn off the water, close the dishwasher and admit defeat. 

I really love her.  Really.  She's adorable and sweet and my baby.
But she is a lot of freakin' work!

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