Monday, October 8, 2012

day 29: daddy comes home

Daddy came home from fishing... right before I was about to lose my mind.  Two days of being along was about my limit.  But luckily, along with him coming home, the sun came out and the temperature went up a few degrees.  So, we had some family time at a little pond nearby.  Marley was heartbroken all weekend that she hadn't been able to go fishing with Daddy, so she was ecstatic to be able to go fishing this afternoon. 

She didn't catch anything, but she is getting so great at casting and her patience is improving every time.  She really does become a completely different kid when we are out of the house doing something she loves.  I should try to make that happen more often.

Vivi is not so much fun to fish with.  She is either trying to pull hooks out of the tacklebox, or run into the water, or pull the pole away from the fisher-sister, or running for the nearby bridge that is missing a few boards. 

Needless to say, mama was busy.

But her precious face and random hugs and kisses brighten those hard moments.

And she was totally fascinated with a grasshopper that Asa caught and handed to her.  Marley cried when we asked her to touch it and Vivi cried when we took him away.  Those are my kids!

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