Sunday, October 7, 2012

day 28: marley tying knots and vivi fights sleep

Marley spent a long time trying to tie my pajama pants this afternoon.

Wait, pajama pants in the afternoon?  Why, yes, we stayed in our pajamas all day.  And it was wonderful, thank you very much.

Anyway, she tied while I made lunch and when I asked her to go sit down so she could eat, I realized she had tied the strings in knots all the way down to the bottom.  It was a lot of fun to undo.

Vivi is getting so much harder to put to sleep lately.  She fights and squirms and bites me.  And then she hugs and kisses and snuggles up next to me.  So, I always feel very victorious now when she actually goes to sleep.  I always take a moment to really savor all the hard work I had to put in!

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