Friday, September 14, 2012

day 5: dates

Tonight, Marley went on her first movie date with her best friend Ainsley.  They were so stinkin' adorable going into the movie together (with Ainsley's dad, Tony) that I almost cried.  She was beyond excited the entire day and asking me constantly if it was time yet. 

After the movie, she came home and ran to me and started crying about how sad the movie was.  Apparently, the daddy gets lost from his family and that made her broken-hearted. Poor baby.  She may be ready to go see a movie with her friends, but she is still my sweet baby.

Marley going on a date meant that Asa, Vivi, and I went on a date!  We were so close to going to Texas that we decided to go out to eat instead of cooking.  So, we had a nice evening date to Panera and Walmart. 

Vivi learned to do high fives today (Tony taught her) and has been having a blast with them!  She even says, "IE IE" when she wants one.  It was really nice to have some alone time with her, but she missed Marley.  She kept looking at Marley's empty car seat and pointing to it.  They were happy to see each other when Marley finally came home.

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