Wednesday, September 12, 2012

day 3: waking up and babies

Every morning, it is a race to see who can hear Vivi waking up and see her happy smile greet us.  Vivi calls, "Mama.  Mama."  I usually head in there first, but Marley is on my heels itching to jump in bed next to her.  They cuddle and laugh and hold hands and I love to watch them.  Sometimes it gets a little out of hand and Marley starts to get wild.  But on the days that it works out, they are so cute together.

Marley has been asking to play doctor all day long.  Sometimes she has a broken foot that we need to have surgery on.  But most of the time she is having a baby.  
She holds her stomach and tells me she is having contractions.  They I count to ten and she makes a pushing face and we pull the baby out.  She immediately grabs the baby and hugs it and names it.  It's so sweet.  I love her little mama skills.

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