Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Morning

Mornings used to be brutal for me.  I'm not a morning person, a trait I got from my wonderful mother.  Marley would come barreling in the room at full-speed requesting breakfast and it took all my strength just to open my eyes and tell her I would be right there.  It took a lot of willpower to climb out of my warm bed where I was snuggled up against a dreamy, cozy baby, but a mama's gotta do what a mama's gotta do.  I would spend the first hour of my morning in a fog, and since I'm not a caffeine drinker, there wasn't much I could do about it.  I just waited it out. 

I decided to make a change a few weeks ago and start getting up with Asa at 5:30 in the morning.  He leaves for PT then and I get a chance to slowly wake up, upload and edit pictures, write a little, read a book if I want, and just enjoy some alone time.

Then around 7, my girl comes out of her room.  She is still sleepy and wants to cuddle or read a book with me, and it is now one of my favorite times of the day.  I rarely get to spend alone time with her, so this morning time before Asa comes home and Vivi wakes up is our time.  The computer gets shut and my phone gets put away and I do what Marley wants to do.  We cuddle on the couch and talk about the day, we read a couple of books, and we tell secrets no one else can know.  And she is so happy.

When she is ready for breakfast (which doesn't take very long) she helps me make it.  She gets to sit on the counter with me or help measure the ingredients for pancakes.  I love how simple things are during this time.  We are both so fresh and content.   
I look forward to this time, now.  I still wouldn't say I'm a morning person, but I am getting there.  Going to sleep earlier really helps.  And having such sweet, precious alone time with my girl makes it priceless.

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