Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finger Painting with Babies and Preschoolers

Marley is constantly asking to do projects and crafts.  The girl loves them.  I want to encourage her creativity and craftiness.  However, I am significantly lacking in that department.

But thanks to some awesome blogs and pinterest, we have been very busy getting our crafty on!  I have been trying to get at least one project done each day, and Marley is loving it.  But the hardest part is finding something to entertain Vivi while we are craftin' it up.  Actually I think that may be the hardest part about being a mother of two, period.  What can the baby do while I am busy doing something with the preschooler?  I literally Googled that a few months ago. 

And I found something.  Success!
Finger painting!  I set Marley up with a few big sheets of paper and some finger paint and she got busy making some beautiful art.  And Vivi got some yogurt with food coloring to paint with.
 Of course, she put it in her mouth, but that's okay!  It's yogurt!
They were both so happy!  It was perfect.  I did find splashes of purple yogurt on the floor and walls, but they were easy to get off.  And it was totally worth the clean-up!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Have I told you how much I love that you are blogging again!!

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