Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finding Happy

We set out on an adventure today.  I've been in a funky mood the past two days and I couldn't seem to get over it.  I needed something new.  I needed to find some Happy somewhere.  So, we packed up some snacks, diapers, the sand bucket, and a blanket and went out for some Happy.
Asa has been talking about going to this little spot on the river for a while.  We had no idea what to expect going down there, so we didn't really wear the right shoes and we were missing a few things that would have been nice to have.
But none of that really mattered once we found the perfect spot to relax for the afternoon.  We had rocks, sand, water, and sunshine.  A recipe for Happy.
Marley got as sandy as she possibly could.  She dug, rolled, burried, threw, raked, and wallowed in the sand.  Asa fished and Henna explored everything she could and ended up completely waring herself out.
I was having a big debate in my head about getting Vivi out of the Ergo.  She was squirmy and ready to get down, but I just looked around at the ground and pictured the sand in her hands and mouth and diaper and it felt overwhelming.  I thought, I'll just stand her up and let her get her feet in the sand.

Well, she loved it.  She laughed and kicked her feet and looked like it was the best thing she had ever felt.  I couldn't just make her stop there once I saw how happy she was!  The sand ended up looking completely perfect in the creases of her chubby hands, between her toes, dusted on her cheeks, and, yes, even in her mouth.  And once it was all over her, it was a like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders.  Everyone had found their Happy.
Being with my happy family makes me happy.  When I can see both of my girls loving life and having a blast, how could I be anything but happy?  That's really all I need.

1 comment:

Emily said...

maybe the best one yet! LOVED the pics!

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