Friday, December 17, 2010


I'm working on a playmate for Marley. He or she won't here for another 29ish weeks though!We are so excited! And that includes Marley! We told her the morning we found out back in October, and she already loves the baby! She kisses and hugs my belly, talks to the baby, and loves to guess if it will be a girl or boy. She was with us at the ultrasound yesterday and she loved seeing the baby. We put the ultrasound pictures at her level on the fridge and she frequently goes over to check on it and adjust the magnets a little. She is so protective already! It makes us so happy!

Yesterday was the first time that we actually got any confirmation that we are indeed expecting. We got to hear the heartbeat (in the 150s) and we got to watch him or her jump around for a little while on an ultrasound. It was amazing. The baby even already had the hiccups! It is crazy to me that something that is still so little can have the hiccups and be bouncing all over the place! I haven't really had a feeling about if the baby was a boy or a girl yet, but as soon as I saw the ultrasound for some reason it hit me that it's a boy! Obviously it's too early to tell, and we won't be finding out until the birth anyway, but it was crazy how definite it felt all the sudden. Tomorrow I may be positive it's a girl, though! Who knows! Marley usually says she wants a sister, but then if I ask her if she wants it to be a girl or boy, she says boy!

It feels good to be able to write about it. You have no idea how hard it is to find the motivation to write about other things when all I wanted to write about was this! So, I'm glad I can share it with all of you!


Aimee said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, you're going to have a blast!!

Abigail... said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! ( and I TOTALLY had a feeling you might be having a little one soon! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!)

Anonymous said...

Yeeehaaawww!! We are so EXCITED for you guys! You are such great parents and we share your joy in another life. Thank you for sharing the good news! Love, Amber

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